Recent content by Georgia

  1. Georgia

    Georgia's First Cycle

    I am still here guys. No idea what taibing is saying above?
  2. Georgia

    Who has used Pinnacle labs?

    Pinning does not hurt. Virgin muscle is what hurts. If the gear hurts it is probably OVERDOSED and needs some BAC in there to dilute it a little. I am pinning Pin and a week later my butt is still's just virgin a bruise feeling...that's it. I love it. I LOVE WHEN MY ASS...
  3. Georgia

    If you had 363 million dollars...

    Wellllll....after Obama takes his 30-40% of it. I would Set aside 10% for charities & for people in need 10% would go towards a new truck 10-30% would go into the bank so I could live off the interest alone I wouldn't immediately "pay off my bills"....I'd let the credit build up. I would...
  4. Georgia

    Sale! Store-wide sale! ======>

  5. Georgia

    Sale! Store-wide sale! ======>

    Buying now.
  6. Georgia

    Half Truth

  7. Georgia

    Roller coaster Relationships.

    Tell them you're gay and they'll leave you alone. Worked for me.
  8. Georgia

    WTF I'm tired of the bashing with no labs to back it up!

    You're so sexy when you're angry
  9. Georgia

    Athletes that I would love to punch in the face thread

    You got that right. Winner in the 'Douchebag' category
  10. Georgia

    Getting ur bf into the 6 percent range.

    I googled T3 and it is Cytomel? LOL. This is what said about the drug UNFORTUNATELY? Whatttt
  11. Georgia

    WARNING - WARNING - WARNING please read

    lol. Did you even read it? I wasn't having an attitude bro. I just think we should help other members out. That's what these boards are for. I've bought from sponsors of this site just to help this board out when I COULD HAVE gotten it cheaper easily from elsewhere. I was just stating that not...
  12. Georgia

    Getting ur bf into the 6 percent range.

    I heard Clen helps! Do a low dosage of that maybe? 6% is too low though man. You look awesome in your avi. No homo. What difference is it going to make to girls or anyone if you get to 5-6%?
  13. Georgia

    Can I run anything on its own??

    Before coming here I've never met anyone who has done a test ONLY cycle. It's always been Test/Deca, Test/Tren, Deca only. Stuff like that. Test is looked on as a weaker steroid by a lot of people. And people want results FAST (that's just the world we live in). But I'm doing a test only cycle...
  14. Georgia

    Athletes that I would love to punch in the face thread

    Jose Canseco for testing positive for steroids AGAIN! the Mexico league
  15. Georgia

    WARNING - WARNING - WARNING please read

    Who here joined to be part of a 'business'? *Silence*....Who here joined to be part of a community where we help each other out? *The crowd roars*