Recent content by ketogenicbulldog

  1. K

    Canadians, where do you have blood work done?

    I've never had luck where I live. Tried half a dozen different docs within a couple hundred km's. I now just go down to the states. Hassle free and I can always find an excuse to get down there a few times a year. I'm a big sports guy though so bball and NFL football is reason enough for...
  2. K

    Cutting cycle on high BF%

    I'd say don't over complicate the diet. No need at 25%bf. Once your down trying to get the last few % off that's when you may need to play a little bit to find what works best for you. Eat high protein and be in a deficit. I don't even start cardio until i'm around 10-12%. Let the diet do...
  3. K

    Difference between Tren E and A.....

    If tren is new to you start with ace. If things go badly you can get out without feeling too horrible for too long. Also if you've done tren ace before and want to go with enanthate keep the dose consistent for the first 4-5 weeks. Many people don't understand how that half life can build...
  4. K

    Which has a greater chance of acne?

    Never had acne with either. Not sure if it makes a difference but i'll let others chime in
  5. K

    Tren cough...slow injections seem to work

    Normally it would come. When I would inject quicker I'd get the same initial sensations but it would become unbearable and lead to the cough. With a very slow injection it is controllable...for myself
  6. K

    Tren cough...slow injections seem to work

    And please don't flame the cycle, yes there is test, an AI, HCG, and caber in there
  7. K

    Tren cough...slow injections seem to work

    So just thought I'd share this for anyone who wanted to try it. I always inject fairly slowly compared to what i think the average person does but lately i've been trying to slow it down even more. I'm doing 100mg/day of tren ace injecting approx at the pace of .1ml every 10 seconds... A...
  8. K

    No testosterone while blasting

    Testosterone serves many functions and it's the primary hormone that makes us men. Why take that out of the equation? At minimum add in a small amount per week. The cost is so insignificant I don't understand the dilema
  9. K

    Starting tren and mast in my cycle need help

    As far as sides I have noticed they can vary tremendously with the diet i'm on. I don't even bother trying to add muscle with tren anymore cause i sweat so uncomfortably in a calorie surplus. Now I only use it for dieting, and i can diet extremely hard while on (1200+cal deficit) and keep...
  10. K

    Starting tren and mast in my cycle need help

    Once again people are going to give you varying opinions. I would personally run test low around 200-300/wk, get bloods and dial in your ai. Then start tren once your estrogen is locked down and you should get very little in terms of sides from tren. I also always run caber twice/wk just...
  11. K

    AML Good To Go??? , Eclipse Pharma?

    "AML is good.. Althought myself and my buddy did not like their TREN at all.. Their T300 is fantastic.. I didnt like the anavar, it made me bloat like a mofo.. Their PRIMO is fantastic" I'll second this. Their primo/test/mast is all g2g for sure. Their var made me gain excessively on a large...
  12. K

    What made up this guys physique?

    Genetics, hard work, and performance enhancers. Probably in that order
  13. K

    Which muscles have the most androgen receptors ?

    Sounds much better than what i'm doing now and i'm getting very slow growth. I'm giving it a shot. In the end genetics have such a huge role as to how easy it is to get freaky calves. I know a guy with just over 20" calves and lean as hell. Looks like you could cut paper on them without...
  14. K

    Painful and swollen ankles

    My guess is you're pregnant Congrats Now go get some bw to see where your estro's at
  15. K

    A picture is worth a 1000 words

    Exactly, it doesn't make sense to risk any part of your career to get your ego stroked. I'm tattoo free and still wouldn't post a pic b/c the risk is not worth the reward. You have to remember we don't look like regular people and could easily be recognized by our peers even neck down