Recent content by KOLAKING


    Should Dosages Be Titrated To Body Weight?

    What I meant was 500- 1000 a week split in two doses. I try to keep Test at 5-600 a week that seems to be good for me. Looks like no-one has any legit answer, oh well, I was just curious mostly.

    Mixing Esters

    There should be no prob. mixing acetate and propionate in the same syringe right.? They should be absorbed from the depot correctly? KK.

    Is Wrist Size Indicative Of Bi/tri Potential?

    37. Used the same routine several years, strict form and focused. And yes my arms are my only slow parts.Also I do lots of wrist curls with b-bell & d-bell.

    Should Dosages Be Titrated To Body Weight?

    5'8 ,usually get up to 175 -180 on. Because of recent financial situation I hav'nt been able to eat right and came off with no post cycle therapy (pct) so i lost all gains. Can anyone answer the topic?

    Should Dosages Be Titrated To Body Weight?

    Thanks. I'll be 37 in may, test levels (natty) are decent but not as strong as they were just 4-5 years ago. I think I recall Anthony Roberts saying weight is a factor but I cant remember.

    Is Wrist Size Indicative Of Bi/tri Potential?

    Start with barbell curls 3-4 sets 8-10 reps everytime and rotate these others; Preacher curl 3-4 /8-10 concentration curls 3-4/8-10 hammers 3-4/8-10 and various cable machine curls. I'm thinking about going with blood volume training with high rep low rest intervals ala' Craig Titus to see if...

    Is Wrist Size Indicative Of Bi/tri Potential?

    My biceps will not grow as I would like them too. Can someone with small wrists develop large arms?

    Should Dosages Be Titrated To Body Weight?

    I was wondering if someone my size, (155 lbs), could use lower mg's than what is normally advised? I have a certain amount of gear that will probably last 2 years or so but would like to use it as economically as possible. If someone could list dosages for my weight for these compounds I would...

    Do I Need Hcg??????????

    If my testicles are the same size (36 weeks into cycle) as they were before do I still need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to jumpstart my nat. test levels??

    new problem with chineese powders ?

    Theres no prob bro, they're just not taking e-mails at this time. Just send your order with cash!

    How long did you train naturally before taking the plunge in2 the world of anabolics?

    Started working out at the same time I got my first bottle of Steris Test Cyp in 1988. Did a 2000mg bottle every couple years on and off for the next 10 years. Started training consistently for 2 years in Fed prison got out and started really using properly ie. higher doses @ 12-16 weeks, stacks...

    Does your girl friend / wife know

    My wife of 15 years knows that I am very diligent about finding out all that I can about any chemicals I put in my body and therefore trusts my judgement enough to be ok with it. She has also learned by experience that the government will put out false information and propaganda to meet it's...

    Problem with prop

    As clever as you seem to be at this, why don't you just get some raw Test for the cost of a BK value meal and chalk up the other as a loss?

    Make your own Paper anabolics

    Hopefully it will never be bad enough to resort to that, cool method; usualy reserved for microgram doses though.

    prop wont go into solution?

    It takes a while to melt all those particles, about 20 minutes @ 200 F. Sounds like you didn't heat long enough.