Recent content by Loaded Gun

  1. Loaded Gun

    Pain redness etc at injection site

    You can use 25g for delts. Give it a week, it should be back to normal.
  2. Loaded Gun

    Push/pull/legs 3 on 1 off

    Day 1: Chest (9-12 sets), Shoulders (6-9 sets), Triceps (4-8 sets) Day 2: Back (12 sets), Biceps (6-9 sets), Traps (4-8 sets), Forearms-optional (2-4 sets, 15 reps) Day 3: Legs- Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, Calves (4 sets each, 10-15 reps) Day 4 or 5: Abs (6 sets, 12-20 reps), 1 hour cardio Day 4...
  3. Loaded Gun

    Sex on caber Good, bad... experiences?

    Yeah bros thanks, I was just curious about it... I have it for a future cycle but I'm not ready to use it just yet. Wanted to get some feedback on what it was like on cycle and if anyone had actually used it off cycle just for the sexual sides... I actually have used Cialis before: the...
  4. Loaded Gun

    Sex on caber Good, bad... experiences?

    How long does it take for the sexual side effect of caber to occur? On/off cycle. Possibly interested in recreational use.
  5. Loaded Gun

    Chocolate Raspberry Protein Shake

    I ran across this and tweaked it slightly. -8 ounces unsweetened almond milk -2 ounces heavy cream -1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use Optimum Nutrition) -1 teaspoon sugar free raspberry preserves -Optional: 1/2 c crushed ice Use blender or shaker until it is consistent. Delicious! ~350...
  6. Loaded Gun

    Burchasing 1 pin. Funny story.

    You can usually buy up to 10 without a prescription and should be no questions asked.
  7. Loaded Gun

    what do you say when you're asked if you're on roids?

    'What I need that shit for?'
  8. Loaded Gun


    Not sure, I'd be careful though. You may want to monitor your blood levels more closely than normal to be sure, I was running a bit high on estro @ 25mg/ED...
  9. Loaded Gun

    Posterior shoulder dislocating during dumbbell military press

    NO. You should naturally heal up. I believe this is common anyway while using AAS because the muscles outgrow and get stronger than the connective tissues/ligaments can support. Time off or light/rehab weight and exercises.
  10. Loaded Gun

    Depression going into PCT

    It is good advice, but its hard to tell yourself not to get too confident when you feel like you can whoop superman's ass. I will admit that I did get overconfident in myself when I went to the gym pushing weight that I have never even attempted, plus the feeling of eating a shit ton of food...
  11. Loaded Gun

    Daily burn tracker

    Yep. I use it to track my macros as well as my weight and body fat, body measurements. You have to log in from PC to enter your body measurements tho.
  12. Loaded Gun

    Get blood work done cheap!

    Everyone uses it, locations all over the U.S. BTW, you no longer need to select female... they have corrected that internally now and you may select male now... doesn't matter its the same price.
  13. Loaded Gun

    Does Anyone Work 8+ Hours

    So, how important is timing of meals? How important is it really to eat 5 or 6 times a day? There are times where it is absolutely not feasible to eat 5-6 times a day and meals get skipped. Sometimes caloric needs are not even met, I know for me sometimes can't help just getting in 1500...
  14. Loaded Gun

    Should Creatine Be Cycled?
