what do you say when you're asked if you're on roids?

I don't know about everyone else, but I personally feed off people asking/making comments! I always deny it, and tell em I paid someone(3J) to make me a diet to gain some mass.. so im not lying completely!

hahaha that is exactly what i am doing right now. "of course im not taking roids bro. you should contact my nutritionist. the guy is fucking amazing. i mean look at the results i am getting. oh and also, drink lots of creatine". this is exactly what i keep telling my friends.

"Im not on roids, youre just a pussy"

^^^ its usually those skinny ass pussies that ask the question. a couple of my friends workout everyday for 3 hours and eat 2 meals a day and then hate on me for being bigger than them. I AM BIGGER THAN YOU/BIGGER THAN YOU WILL EVER BE even without the roids. lol
I pretty much always say the same thing, "No, just gotta eat a lot. If I were juicing I'd be way bigger." Then they ask what I eat and I tell them, "Eight meals a day, every day. Lots of protein." Their eyes go big after that.
^^^ its usually those skinny ass pussies that ask the question. a couple of my friends workout everyday for 3 hours and eat 2 meals a day and then hate on me for being bigger than them. I AM BIGGER THAN YOU/BIGGER THAN YOU WILL EVER BE even without the roids. lol

hell they're doing aerobics every day not working out to get bigger. lol teach them ship mate haha
My younger cousin also thought he'd get bigger by working out for 2 or 3 hours each time he goes and eating at sonic and pizza hut and crap. I educated him and now he's actually bulking. I try to help the ignorant people. We were all ignorant at one point. I know some can't be taught though. Saw a kid in the gym the other night, soab had 225 bouncing it off his chest like he had a pad on it or something. Luckily we have a loud mouth in our gym that positively criticizes gym rats like this. Luckily my boss is 58 and made sure I learned proper technique. But everyone has access to youtube, you can access thousands of proper exercise techniques, hell you can watch this one guy on there and he shows you proper technique for the majority of all lifts, and tells what muscle groups you are working. Shows you proper and improper techniques, so ignorance to some degree I feel no sympathy for. Just hate seeing these 18-19 yr old kids bouncing 225lbs off their damn chest. I have not a damn clue what got me off on this subject, has nothing to do with the OP haha. Oh well...
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funny i got asked and accused of being on roids when I haven't. And when I started nobody asks or accuses me.

I would get the odd comment when i was natural, but it was in a joking way. But now on my first cycle its constant accusations its getting pretty annoying. I just chalk it up to "not drinking alcohol and loading up on creatine"
before i was on roids ppl always joked about me being on roids. i'll drink water and dude would come up and say what kind of roid is that ur drinking. usually i don't care, didn't bother me, rather took it as a complement. that means i look good wether i'm on it or not.
i agree about the educating part. but some people are too dumb for that. they do not want to be educated at all. i want to teach them though. for a really sick reason not because i like them. i think if i teach them SOME of the things i know, they would be stronger/bigger individuals. and they would owe that to me. if i get enough people to do that, hell i have my own army :p it would be like fight club or something
I slam my 20s down, rage, rip my hair out, and scream: " WHAT THE FU@K are you talkin' about?!?!?!?!" .......I just tell them it's good creatine and i'm workin out hard.
I get asked on occasion..

Eg. I was at a music festival in Melbourne Australia on the weekend and I had 4 random people ask me.. Holy fuck bro are those muscles real or are they steroids..
Just from a stupid comment like that you know they are clueless cunts when it comes to bodybuilding so since I was the one there with a bottle of water not a beer or vodka I just said calmly,,

"nah mate just strict diet and hard training and no drinking" because they do none of those things they kinda believe you I think
That's a great question. Personally, I'm on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), and I started out with my family doctor, who is well-known, extremely conservative family doc, in my town, and he is employed with the biggest medical care organization, that owns two of the major hospitals in my City, and who has built a new medical school, also in this City for new med students. He originally diagnosed me with low T, several months before I turned 40, this past spring. However, the dosage that he put me on was so low, I didn't gain any benefit with it.

I then went to an anti-aging/HRT clinic, and now I am taking up to 300mg of cyp. a week, along with an additional 100mg of prop. a week. My first 10 weeks caused my musculature to explode and I gained approximately 25 extra lbs, and that was just my upper body workouts!! I had the gym staff, and friends, make comments, or come out and ask, "Are you on ROIDS or something?!!" In my naive enthusiasm, I began to share the 'gospel,' of hormone/testosterone replacement therapy to my friends and fellow gym buddies. However, I quickly learned that I was getting stares, and was the subject of gossip, that I was on ROIDS and that I was getting some quack doctor to just write quack prescriptions for T cuz I wanted it.

At first, when people would ask me if I was on ROIDS, and I would give a half truth of, "I'm hitting the gym hard, taking protein and vitamin supplements," but anybody could look at me and tell that my gains were not from just taking vitamins. I feel guilty/dirty for not being more honest, so, in the future, I'll probably tell them that I am supplemented with testosterone, but there are a lot of people that I will not tell that to cuz I know that I will gossipped about and put in the category of an illegal ROID user, which also brings about an assumption of unsavory character.