Recent content by Lonewolf

  1. Lonewolf

    2 weeks and havent gained a pound

    pinks are faked all the time, as well as BD. i have to admit i've never seen a fake russian though
  2. Lonewolf

    2 weeks and havent gained a pound

    If you haven't gained any weight I'm seriously doubting the validity of your dbols. You should have atleast seen a couple pounds off of that. I wouldnt be concerned with the other stuff since it takes a bit to kick in, especially deca. give the injections a few more weeks
  3. Lonewolf

    The Champ Is Here!

    Thanks guys, it feels amazing to be back, I missed you big juiceheads. My cycle will start in 2 weeks, and I'm liking the idea of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every few days. I haven't even thought about that. I will post pics and show you my progress. Luckily I have a strong base, so I...
  4. Lonewolf

    The Champ Is Here!

    Lonewolf is back in business. After a long off time and being away from juice for almost a year, I'm back in the gym hardcore. Make me a cycle fellas. Here's the supplies. 4 bottles of cyp. 3 bottles of deca(300mg each), 50mg drols, and 65mg Winstrol (winny) tabs.. All home brew. I wanna...
  5. Lonewolf

    No cardio before lifting.

    You have to also take into account that you are younger than a few of the people here, though
  6. Lonewolf

    No cardio before lifting.

    5-10 minutes of light cardio before training is okay, it pumps blood into the muscles and can help you get warm for your workouts. It's obviously not going to do anything as far as a cardio workout goes, though
  7. Lonewolf

    2 amps in one shot?

    2 amps per shot is fine, even if it is mexican 'shit'. like stonecold said, the only time i'd split it is if the esters are short acting.
  8. Lonewolf

    Pics Before and after my cycle

    great job man, quite a change... shows your hard work
  9. Lonewolf

    Delts from HELL

    Just so you know I wasn't knocking your routine at all. I think Arnolds work pretty good, however I think the risk outweighs the benefit. I think you are right about how people try and go too heavy on them. I was definitely one of those people, I'm only happy going heavy on movements like that...
  10. Lonewolf

    Delts from HELL

    Also, I personally wouldn't recommend Arnolds. I think you are asking for rotator cuff problems. Just my opinion.
  11. Lonewolf

    Delts from HELL

    Delts are my best part, pics are in the member pic forum if you care to check em out. My routine looks like this, keep in mind its very heavy. Dumbbell Military -(warmup),10,8,8,6 Side raises - 15,15,12,12 Front Raises - 10,10,10(SLOW, SQUEEZE) Rear Laterals - 10,10,10(SLOW, SQUEEZE)...
  12. Lonewolf

    How to build large thick biceps...the bigdelt way

    This may be why your arms measure 19 Inches.
  13. Lonewolf

    Are the other drugs really needed?

    I've personally been having the same feelings lately as well, Test does everything you need it to. However I would not feel comfortable running it too long in fear of completely shutting down natural testosterone production. I know guys that stay on test all year long and theyre doing fine, but...
  14. Lonewolf

    12 Week Shoulder Routine

    To add to my response, I don't think that routine looks bad at all, I might give it a try