Recent content by Nelson Montana

  1. N

    Any Day Now!

    I have to apologize for the delay of the new Protein Factory products but everything is complete with DX7 and it will be available within a week or two. If you're interested, you can pre-order and be the first on the list to receive it. For the record, there are no claims of "steroid like...
  2. N

    M1T -- When Will People Learn?

    I havn't got a clue why. And that's what scares me.
  3. N

    Health & Gear.

    This is a good point. There are things bodybuilders do besides take drugs thatare unhealthy. As far as gear goes....people fear the unknown. All they know is the BS the media feeds them and they think steroids are killer drugs. Steroids can actually be benificial to health but not in the...
  4. N

    M1T -- When Will People Learn?

    Wow! Excellent. Is everybody listening? :) Seriously, I'm glad the PF Post-Cycle worked for you and you didn't get the nasty M1T sides. Still, I'd be careful. Don't push your luck by upping the dosage of the M1T. Tee: Yeah, what's up with the letargy? A lot of people complain of that...
  5. N

    Coming back from being shutdown

    Even though it's designed to help with recovery it doesn't have to be used exclusively for that purpose. When on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) it isn't a bad idea to keep excess e in check as well as detox the liver. And the libido boosters are always a good thing. :)
  6. N

    Coming back from being shutdown

    You may want to add a little A-dex in with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). 1/2 mg EOD is plenty. As for the HCG, opinions vary but start with 500I.U's for 4 days. That might be all you need. Easto: OF COURSE I use Post-Cycle! But only as a maintence since I'm on HRT. I do however...
  7. N

    Coming back from being shutdown

    It was probably a waste to the nolva since it would be unlikely you'd get gyno while using Winstrol (winny) since it converts to DHT which will prevent gyno. Anyway, as anyone who knows me knows, I hate Clomid but beyond that you have to realize it just doesn't work for everybody and it looks...
  8. N

    M1T -- When Will People Learn?

    This is the wrong question. The burden of proof is on something working - not, NOT working. I can't post any studies that show dipping my head in a bucket of paint and doing handstands won't make my dick larger either. But it won't. As for Golgo: I'm glad you had good luck with it. I do...
  9. N

    M1T -- When Will People Learn?

    The results are in and it's official. M1T is the same shit on a different day. How many times do we have to go through this? For the last 10 ears there have been pro-hormones (or pro-steroids or whatever term you want to attacj to them) and for 10 years they've sucked. Actually, they've worse...
  10. N

    what's the most painful aas to inject?

    I've never done suspension because of it's painful notoriety and the fact that you need frequent injections. Seems like a really bad combo. I used to make judgements about what hurt more but it's really hit or miss. In the end, I've found all oil based gear is about the same. Sometimes the...
  11. N

    Easing on and off

    I don't think it's fair to say it's been "proven" to be a "waste of time." Pyramiding is old school but it isn't a bad idea. It allows the body to adapt which I believe is good for the newbie. It can prevent a lot of problems. Also, if more guys realized they can make gains on 250 mgs a week...
  12. N

    The time is finally here!!

    I'm not sure what the GH has to do with it, but I think the T3 is a bad idea for a few reasons, the main one being that you need to lose some fat and it's easiest to lose in the beginning stages of training when the bf% is high. By relying on the T3 you'll be developing an adaptation to an...
  13. N

    Protein Factory - REAL Supplements For REAL Bodybuilders

  14. N

    whats to be expected on PCT?

    Just to put things in perspective: There are things in the first article with which may people have voiced opposing views -- including ulter and yourself. And the statement about Arimidex is absoltely ridiculous. It's all dose related. The second Bill Roberts post has been proven outdated...
  15. N

    The time is finally here!!

    Good luck bro. Personally I don't think the T3 is a good idea but I hope it works out for you. Train hard.