Recent content by nike1990

  1. nike1990

    First cycle- Test E Help?

    Most guys are gonna advise you wait until 24 -- when you're body has completely matured. Don't add Winny first cycle, and run 500mg/week test e (250 Mon, 250thurs) if you're dead set on it, and maybe extend to 12 weeks instead for better results.
  2. nike1990

    Age question - private lab testing

    Hey brothers. Got another question for y'all with a unique situation. I'm trying to get my younger brother into lifting as he's on the rather underweight side. He says he's been eating in a caloric surplus and his training regimen is pretty decent. It got me thinking, maybe his test is low? It...
  3. nike1990

    Is 27 years old too young for Hgh?

    If I'm not mistaken, long term use may alter bone structure and density at ANY age. At 4 iu, I wouldn't be too concerned with many harsh side effects. T3 + T4 levels as well as insulin regularity should be monitored at higher doses however. I'm not an expert though, and it would be wise to wait...
  4. nike1990

    D-bol cycle - need advice asap

    test = testosterone. Preferably enanthate or cypionate for your first cycle as prop is a bit annoying for your first cycle.
  5. nike1990

    D-bol cycle - need advice asap

    You should ONLY do test for your first cycle. But that's besides the point brother.
  6. nike1990

    D-bol cycle - need advice asap

    No one is going to advocate an oral only cycle. Plus they'll be even more disinclined to offer cycle advice due to your age, lack of diet control, and experience in the gym. The fact of the matter is that you need to do more research before you jump into gear, and wait until you get other areas...
  7. nike1990

    Blood work and what i need to be asking................

    Get a private lab test. Its best to not let your Dr know what you're up to.
  8. nike1990

    SHIT! been blasting and cruising, Want to donate blood but had unprotected sex!!!!

    If you're really desperate just order a myriad of private lab blood tests brother lmao. Not serious of course; just go to your Dr and get tested. More than likely you're just overthinking things.
  9. nike1990

    bloodworm after 5th week- help

    Oh man. I definitely read this as "bloodworm after 5th week" --- I'm glad I took a second look at the title lol.
  10. nike1990

    PCT and SERM from Legendary Supplments

    If you want to use those IN ADDITION to the traditional PCT protocol, I don't see why not. But being that PCT is arguably the most important part of a cycle, its best to not stray too far from the tried and true procedure. Just my 2¢
  11. nike1990

    Can i take Dbol? Pros & Cons too. If i can how many mg/day?

    Test base for every cycle you run; no oral only cycles, and best to start with test only for first cycle -- it let's you gauge how you react to AAS. Also, at 145 lbs you should probably focus on dieting aspects vs wanting to jump on the juice train so soon. Get in touch with 3J, his services are...