Recent content by palmers

  1. palmers

    Aromasin dose for trt dose

    Hey so i decided to do trt but alone so more of a cruise. But after the decision i tried finding some private blood work clinics for canada so i can monitor it but i found nothing, even made a few threads asking and its been close to a year, my first go with aromasin... Kinda looks like i have...
  2. palmers

    Bloodwork in canada?????.......

    So am i s.o.l?
  3. palmers

    Bloodwork in canada?????.......

    Hey im doing blasting n cruising. Just gunna cruise till i find where to get bloodwork done... Just wondering where in canada, vancouver would i find a private place 4 blood work? Thanks
  4. palmers

    Any what to combat tren sweats?

    Ook. Yea test is high, both are at 500mg test e and tren e. I take a quarter pill of 2.5mg letro over the weekend. Man i sweat sooo much now. Its like even tho the labs are the same this new bottle of tren is stronger or something lol. Cause for like 10 weeks was pissed from having no sodes...
  5. palmers

    Any what to combat tren sweats?

    So im doin tnt and its been between 30-34° c out for the last 2 weeks and i dont think its going to cool anytime soon. So im sweating bullets, always drymouth, dehydrated, and bathed in sweat. And i had a lucky week this week. Went from once in a while random 1 time sex to now, just this week, i...
  6. palmers

    Could u just pop a pill under your tounge for faster kick in?

    O yea, good point. I guess also since our muscles are 75% water its best to pump in as much as possible lol
  7. palmers

    Could u just pop a pill under your tounge for faster kick in?

    Antidepressants (actually all psychotropic drugs) were just stumbled on. When the lock and key example was discovered by noticing certsin parts of the brain absorbed different dyes they then went on to find cures for infectious deseases. When the nazis were over run scientists started testing...
  8. palmers

    Could u just pop a pill under your tounge for faster kick in?

    But i get what your saying santa... Your body has specific functions for specific things. Like the lock and key example. Your body has all sorts of different functions that can be seen as various locks, In order for your body to use or absorb chemicals the chemical must fit the lock like a key...
  9. palmers

    Could u just pop a pill under your tounge for faster kick in?

    Lol yea i read snorting steroids has zero benefit.... But that just got me thinking about whats even the point of a pump? You have the feeling like you got a better workout but do you actually, does it lead to better gains or would it make more sense to be at peak levels once you fall asleep...
  10. palmers

    Could u just pop a pill under your tounge for faster kick in?

    I just goigled the question; i always do that, post a thought THEN google it, lol. But what i found were people worried about bioavailability and making it stronger and thats kinda the direction the thread was leading into. But im just thinking in times of a time crunch. Dont wanna take it at...
  11. palmers

    Could u just pop a pill under your tounge for faster kick in?

    I know for medication you throw it under your tounge and it hits you in a few minutes instead of 35+mins when swallowing. Does a medication have to fit a certain profile to do that or could you do it with anything, such as steroids? I thought of it yesterday. I been working 13-17hour days so as...
  12. palmers

    I think im a little confused on anabolic ratings and stuff

    Its weird how cheque drops and halo have an anabolic rating like that. I heard they were not for growth at all but purely to be mean and pumped, mainly for fighting
  13. palmers

    I think im a little confused on anabolic ratings and stuff

    I remember hearing tren for strength. I didnt climb as high as when i did deca. There are other factors tho. I started tren after only being back in the gym for 2-3months after 3 years off. So i was doing incline dumbells 70's now i do 85's might try 90 next week. My decline went from a plate...
  14. palmers

    I think im a little confused on anabolic ratings and stuff

    Why is deca considered the better bulker when it only has an anabolic rating of 125. Most injectables are higher then that, like why say test deca and dbol being the best bulker instead of like tren and sdrol. Their rating are sooo much higher then deca and dbol
  15. palmers

    Where in bc you from? I love in whiterock. Im running pareto too. What u think of their sdrol...

    Where in bc you from? I love in whiterock. Im running pareto too. What u think of their sdrol? About to start it. Im doing 500mg of teste and 500mg of trene. First go with tren and no sides at 300mg and only i sweat quick in the gym at 500mg? Had me a bit worried for a bit. Ive had good results tho