Who are you yelling at? Some idiot who hasn't been around or doesn't know what he's talking about?
Steroids are extremely dose dependant. There is no reason to shut down your HTPA without getting some real results out of the cycle. Take your head out of your ass, bro.
Last, most on the...
I honestly don't think you will lose that much strength on a max. At most, a few pounds, but with the rite routine I don't think you will lose much strength.
Training for strength and size are too totally different things. On top of this, size is definitely not an indicator of strength. It...
My gf and I were just having a conversation about this the other day. I was trying to explain that the reason I'm interested in the way others diet, and train is because I'm looking for what I'm missing in order to look like that. It would kill me if I found out that there was no way I could...
Typically a strength routine is very heavy, low reps (<5), and low volume.
I've been experiementing with my own strength training ideas. Here is my last routine (which was designed specifically for post cycle).
Day 1
Bench: 2x5
Shoulder Press: 2x5
Rows: 2x5
Curls: 1x5
Squats: 2x5
Deads: 2x5...
Here is an example given to me by Thammer. Everything is in his words (it was actually an email). This whole post is to his credit:
This is actually a routine that was made by C.S. Sloan...who in turn put it togehter in the spirit of Bill Starr type training and West-side Barbell club...if...
It's easier to lose muscle while cutting than bulking. Therefore, more drugs are needed on a cutter than a bulker in order to prevent catabolism. While on a cutter, switch to a strength routine. You'll be working each muscle group more often, but with less volume. When your calorie...
You sound very new bro. My suggestion, work on your DIET. That is what is going to put the size on, and is always #1. #2 is your training so do some searches and learn as much as you can about that. Even if you think you know it all, there is always more. Last thing to make sure you do is...
If you have a problem with gyno when using deca, use nolvadex. Progesterone alone CANNOT cause gyno. Block estrogen, and progesterone can't do shit.
Ever get your bloods tested? Can't ever know for sure unless u get tested.
Bottom line is exo. androgens will suppress the HTPA (that includes 5mgs of dbol). Adding androgens while coming off a cycle will only prolong recovery, and consequently put gains in jeopardy.
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