What is the best way to keep strength while dieting down for a powerlifting contest?


New member
I am 12 weeks away. I am wanting to drop 24 more lbs (already down 18 lbs. in first four weeks). I now weigh 298 and want to be in the 275 lb. class. I have won this meet and hold the records in the superheavy and 318 in the last 2 years and now since I want to start trying to be a bodybuilder I thought it would be good to start now. I am not eating a lot at all but none of my lifts have suffered. I know they will if I keep losing. My cycle looks like this:

1-4 Sustanon EOD
1-4 winstrol 50mg ED
1-16 proviron 25mg ED
1-16 primo 100mg EOD (they are real, I bought them from Turkey 4 years ago)
Above shows what I have done the first 4 weeks. Listed below are other items on hand. Which and what is the best way to start adding these in?

QV Tren
Upjohn Cyp
Denkall 75 mg Anadrol
Russian D-BOL
Organon Deca

I want to stay w/ primo the whole time, just because it works good on low cal diets. It is hard to believe that I have lost this much this fast while taking this stuff. I want to work the others in soon, then If I'm under 270 w/ 4 weeks left I could do DECA, Anadrol and cyp. I just want to lose as much as I can first while keeping strength.
i would lay off heavy androgens [ dbol , anadrol , high test doses , etc. ] or add a new generation anti estrogen [ arimidex , femera , etc. ] to keep bloat down to a minimum . add the var the last 8-10 weeks at 50 mg or more a day along with tren the last 6-8 weeks at 75 mg a day or more . dont quit test completely if you dont add an antiestrogen you should still run 200-300 mg of cyp or eth a week to keep your willie hard . i dont reccomend keto diets when powerlifting it is extremely hard to train heavy week after week while carb depleted , but you can cut your carbs back especially in the evenings . carbonated sodas and excessive salt will bloat you so cut them back . if you have to weigh in the morning your contest starts ignore this part , if you can weigh in at least 24 hours before you can use water pills [ preferably something mild or over the counter ] and also deplete your carbs the last week or ten days pre weigh in , the carb depletion this close to the contest shouldnt hurt your strength that much since your last workout precontest shouldnt be balls to the walls anyway . immediately after weigh in start carb loading i always add some simple sugars and a healthy dose of creatine to pack on the weight . also start ingesting the water along with a few sports drinks for electrolytes . if you time it right you could probably add 15 pounds of weight back on prior to lifting and keep your strength . good luck my brother in steel and make sure you let old DAWG know how the contest went:D
hammer751 said:
Thanks....I will post results. I didn't state it above but I am taking .5mg eod of arimidex.
your welcome bro and im looking forward to hearing how well you did
I honestly don't think you will lose that much strength on a max. At most, a few pounds, but with the rite routine I don't think you will lose much strength.

Training for strength and size are too totally different things. On top of this, size is definitely not an indicator of strength. It is very possible to lose weight, and increase your strength.

Check this out: Beavers holds the men's open american record for totals in the 165lbs weight class. His total is 1765lbs. Gillingham holds the record in the 319lbs weight class with 2254lbs. Gillingham is almost double beaver's weight, yet his total is only 489lbs more!
ready2explode said:
I honestly don't think you will lose that much strength on a max. At most, a few pounds, but with the rite routine I don't think you will lose much strength.

Training for strength and size are too totally different things. On top of this, size is definitely not an indicator of strength. It is very possible to lose weight, and increase your strength.

Check this out: Beavers holds the men's open american record for totals in the 165lbs weight class. His total is 1765lbs. Gillingham holds the record in the 319lbs weight class with 2254lbs. Gillingham is almost double beaver's weight, yet his total is only 489lbs more!
the strength ratio does go down as the size goes up but the fact of the matter is you will never see the overall record held by a 165 # or a 198# class lifter , in the next year or two you will see a 1200 pound squat and probably a 950 pound bench maybe even 1000 pounds and these guys will be 308s or shw , and for the record large weight losses done rather quickly will hurt your max if you are not extremely careful