Recent content by seti

  1. seti

    WHERE did u lose your vaginity?

    jail.... hurt like hell
  2. seti

    Best steroid for 1 month period?

    try test suspension...u will get results in a month.....keeping them is another question... halo is great for aggression and strenght....dball will just bloat the shit out of u. var possibly....but i believe suspension will be great for a one monther but expect to be a pin cusion....
  3. seti

    Which compounds are worst for increasing body hair?

    in my younger years on high test cycles, a minimum of 5 lbs I gained out of the overall 20 lbs was from increased body careful and u have been warned....
  4. seti

    Are steroids addicting?

    i can live w/o my juice but not addictive..............right........
  5. seti

    How often do you jerk off??

    can tell u how many times a day i dont faster...
  6. seti

    Hospitalised due to steroids

    4 days in mt sinai miami for poss heart attack...was actually massive anxiety induced panic attack as my cardiac enzymes were all normal.... scary stuff........
  7. seti

    Bigger pennis???

    surfing porn enlarges my penis lol .... these pump, exercise, and pill companies make a frickin lot of money selling to our insecurities.. All the so called penis lenght studies are bogus and made up by people who want to sell product.. what u got is typically what u got, sorry for the small...
  8. seti

    Most u have ever gained from a cycle ?

    sustanon 500mg / week 4 yrs ago....did it for about 6 month period...went from 210 - 240....kept 240 for past 3 yrs will almost no "cycles" just a bit of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) ( 50mg a week!!!!!! w big layoff periods ).... so all in all gained 30 lbs, shrunk my nuts, developed...
  9. seti

    do you lick your girls ass?

    only after she doesnt shit for 3 days and washes that thing for 4 hrs
  10. seti

    Pounding Heart Beats

    WOW, gotta tell you guys that Im mildly relieved that others are experiencing this condition....makes my re-evauluate if lifestyle is worth it.. I honestly believe, especially after hearing all the responses , that anxiety induced panic attacks are brought out or aggrevated by roids.. we may...
  11. seti

    How do you like your girls vagina

    re-thought my origional answer. New answer is simply " available "....dont care if its buffed, puffed, scruffed, just let me fuck it when I want to........
  12. seti

    Naked Jacked Chick who is she?

    her name should be ralph......... if it floats your boat, more power too you i guess....who am I to say anything.....enjoy
  13. seti

    Pounding Heart Beats

    did a ekg and holter monitoring...all was normal...did an echo of my heart, completely normal thank god but still this condition is scary as hell...literally can feel my heart at certain times of the day vibrating my whole chest especially at night before bed...usually accompanied by shortness...
  14. seti

    Pounding Heart Beats

    anyone experience pounding / heavy heart beats during rest??? Like maybe laying in bed etc......coupled w shortness of breath...only doing a low dose of test for a few months ( 60mg / week max suspension w tongcat ali w great results ).....
  15. seti

    need advice

    300 MG / WEEK absolutley. i do 75mg / week max and still hold 245 lbs at 5'9" 10%bf... good luck on 1st cycle....