WHERE did u lose your vaginity?

Waimeia Bay Beach, North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii, 15 yrs. old. I'll never forget those wonderful 30 seconds of my life. :smokepoke :sperm: :bikini:
i dont even rember were i was..i woke up naked mext to some girl..didnt even rember her name..the only way i knew we fucked was i passed out with the condom on
at church when we were 12, parents were having choir practice so we snuck upstairs and humped like 12 yr ol virgins at church do lol
14, in a park on those cement cylinders where they store the sand for the ball diamond. i remember telling the cunt off afterwards cause she thought it was funny to steal my shorts but i kept getting bitting by misquitoes on my ass. dumb cunt
Backseat of my '79 grand prix when I was 16. Ended up using that back seat a lot, never could get the stains out.
Im my bedroom when I was 15. We were watching Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. I kept on watching while we were doing it. Not much has changed.
I lost my virginity when i was 15 in my dads porsche, but it was soo uncomfortable so we ended up finishing up in my older sisters apartment since she was out. quite a journey it was.
1985 Red light district in Yokuska Japan. I was 19 and ended up fuckin a 50 year old dragon lady at a geisha house. LMAO thinking about it. The old dragon lady(the mamasan) that was running the house saw me comming a mile away and took me all for herself. Damn, I thought I wanted one of the little bitty young'ns, but mamasan did me alright! :baby:
In bed with my girlfriend in my college dorm room. I had just turned 19, had gotten around most of the bases with numerous other girls but needed someone aggressive to get me to home plate. Cool. And yeah it lasted two minutes the first time.
On my then gf's sofa, which was in the basement where her bedroom was at. Didn't know her much at the time, but we were alone after school and her parents were't home yet and we started playing around. She had these tight jeans on and i started rubbing her down there over her jeans and she started moaning and doing the same to me. i could tell she was getting hot cause she was getting warm. All the rest is kinda blurry, as it happened so long ago. I do know she gave me a bj first and then it was her on top of me on the sofa. She was afraid to mess up the bed, lol!