Recent content by slava

  1. S

    My Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was just source shut down

    i dont see why you;d wanna go with some clinic. there is more then enough legit domestic sources for GH. you can also buy direct from gensci. they sell 5 100iu kits for 1500 with insurance shipping. thats 3 dollars an iu. but i have seen jin for 1,5-2$.
  2. S

    really need your help - scar tissue

    had to cancel my appointment because something came up... rescheduled for next monday... i am thinking its probably just big scar tissue build-up because if it was an absess the area would be red/swolen/warm.
  3. S

    really need your help - scar tissue

    thanks bro,,, i scheduled an appointment with a chiropractic tomorrow... ill let everybody know how it goes because i have seen a bunch of posts on different boards about scar tissue, but nobody offered any useful advice.
  4. S

    really need your help - scar tissue

    have it drained?? its a very hard lump so really would not how itd be possible to drain it. no bro, its been there for at least 5 weeks... i was waiting for it to get better, but no changes... i am going try to see a chiropractic tomorrow, hopefully i dont have to get a surgery
  5. S

    really need your help - scar tissue

    hi, i have major scar tissue build up in my biceps. When i message the muscle i feel a bulky mass inside the muscle, its really big, probably half the size of my fist. can anyone offer me any advice? does anyone have any experience with ultrasound? any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
  6. S

    best AS for local growth

    alright bro, i am pretty sure you know what i meant... in theory pgf2a is great for local growth but the feedback isnt all that great. i am just looking for some experience. hell, someone might say that suspension worked for them...
  7. S

    best AS for local growth

    hey guys, whats the best AS for local growth? in theory it should be rh-igf1 - anyone try it yet?
  8. S

    shooting slin am and pm

    you are definitely right in your own way. but take a minute to think about it. how would you conduct a study like that? take a 100 people and staff them with super human doses of slin till they all develop diabetes? :insane2: lets talk facts. an oddly high number of proffesional powerlifters...
  9. S

    shooting slin am and pm

    no its not my opinion, its a medical fact. i dont have any studies to back it up, but if you do research on type 2 diabetes itll say why people get it. i am 100% sure about this, my friend has got it.
  10. S

    shooting slin am and pm

    no bro you are missing the point. no matter how much insulin you use your body wont shut down its own insulin production BUT your insulin sensitivity will decrease, so even though you are producing the right amount of slin, the glucose transport will be poor. WIth type 2 diabetes you would have...
  11. S

    Need help with my Clen/T3 cycle

    wow bro you are pretty say t3/clen is safe as long as you dont go overboard. i dont see why you would have a problem. just make sure you up the dosage slowly and then decrease gradually. personally i would never consider running t3 without high doses of test. real fatloss starts at...
  12. S

    shooting slin am and pm

    thanks, i also running winny+tren+prop...the gains stopped completely for the last 2-3 weeks so i thought of incorating slin...hopefully itll get me gaining again. i have been using 15ius ED is that bad? i thought it was a common practice to take slin ED? i only plan to stay for 4 weeks by the...
  13. S

    shooting slin am and pm

    i have been using slin for the last 2 weeks.... ....and btw insulin DOES cause diabetes. otherwise there would be no reason for cycling. i think its a misunderstood concept. there are 2 types of diabetes. Type 1 is most common, its when you body doesnt produce enough insulin. Type 2 is when...
  14. S

    shooting slin am and pm

    i was thinking of shooting slin both in the morning and after my workout. i only plan to do 15ius. would this be fine or is it a sure way to get diabetes?
  15. S


    hairloss is caused by test converting to DHT. there are some quite effective dht blockers such as alzeic acid and spiralactone. you can get them from research sites, both are very cheap. apply twice daily, this alone should be enough to stop hairloss even if you are running high doses of test...