really need your help - scar tissue


New member
i have major scar tissue build up in my biceps. When i message the muscle i feel a bulky mass inside the muscle, its really big, probably half the size of my fist. can anyone offer me any advice? does anyone have any experience with ultrasound? any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
My advice: don't inject there anymore. Use other injection sites and rotate between them.

As for this bulky mass (kind of like a hard knot just under the skin?), that can happen from the injection itself (rather than the scar tissue) but in that case it should disappear after several days (assuming no more injections).
have it drained?? its a very hard lump so really would not how itd be possible to drain it.

no bro, its been there for at least 5 weeks... i was waiting for it to get better, but no changes... i am going try to see a chiropractic tomorrow, hopefully i dont have to get a surgery
You probably have some scar tissue, but I doubt any "draining" is required.

I do know a couple of guys who compete for a living and use ultra sound. They both have personal units that cost just over $1k. Use is 4-6 minutes 3-4 times per day - but I don't know for how long.

Additionally, it will also break down muscle tissue, so overuse could defeat the purpose of use. Wish I knew more.
thanks bro,,, i scheduled an appointment with a chiropractic tomorrow... ill let everybody know how it goes because i have seen a bunch of posts on different boards about scar tissue, but nobody offered any useful advice.
had the same thing on glut, went to a doc in mex and he recomended a heat pad. it worked real good problem was gone in about 3 days with using the pad for 2-3 hours every night.
yea my boy had that in his shoulder it ended up being an absest i believe thats how u spell it but the longer you wait whatever it is will just become worse
had to cancel my appointment because something came up... rescheduled for next monday...
i am thinking its probably just big scar tissue build-up because if it was an absess the area would be red/swolen/warm.