Recent content by Superman80

  1. Superman80

    My next cycle-first time running prop

    Cool thanks for the response. So running nolva on cycle is better than Adex? And muscle Mike I totally get what you're saying but I have to run, I make my living off athletics. Lots of guys I play with run hgh
  2. Superman80

    My next cycle-first time running prop

    Yeah fair figured it's a stretch to add 50 to my lists, however my last var cycle i cat explain the strength I added. As far as my cycle goes any feedback?
  3. Superman80

    My next cycle-first time running prop

    Deciding what to do for next cycle Alright, about to start my third cycle, haven't done any gear in 2 years. Last cycle was test e and var 12 weeks of test and last 8 of var. What I learned in my first two cycles is I'm really gyno prone. Nipples always swell and get itchy last time stared to...
  4. Superman80

    Deciding what to do for next cycle

    Awesome, thanks for the advice. I'm not a power lifter lots more speed and mobility involved in my sport, thanks for the hcg and tren advice. Will do.
  5. Superman80

    Deciding what to do for next cycle

    Thanks for the feedback. I have no problem running 12 weeks, should i run the tren the same length? Got the adex figured ill go .25 every other day keep some more nova on hand if any gyno issues occur ill probably run it throughout. megaton what dopamine agonist do you use or recommend? also i...
  6. Superman80

    Deciding what to do for next cycle

    correct bf is quite low never had it measured, only reason i considered running adex that high is because of a gyno scare i had last cycle, got some bad swollen nips and i could feel a hard tissue begin to develop underneath. if you say thats too high then i will drop it down. hows .5 eod. as...
  7. Superman80

    Deciding what to do for next cycle

    Alright about to start my third cycle, haven't done any gear in a year and a half (actually if you count running clen/var for two months i did that last year for a cut) anyway I'm trying to decide what i should run I currently have tren ace and test e, I've always wanted to try tren but i always...
  8. Superman80

    second cycle not a newb just want feedback

    Again any and all advice is welcome I am no expert just going off of previous experience and a shit ton of research.
  9. Superman80

    second cycle not a newb just want feedback

    I wasn't aware running nolva through an entire cycle was recommended? if its a good idea then ya I am all for it. How would this effect pct though?
  10. Superman80

    second cycle not a newb just want feedback

    all responses greatly appreciated. in regards to my adex i ran 1 mg eod and man my nips were swollen and i started getting lumps fortuantely they went away post i wanted to make things easier and just do it every day to be sure its not terrible on the liver but if people say .5 a day...
  11. Superman80

    second cycle not a newb just want feedback

    start with stats, nutrition and training. Age25 height6'3 weight 205 bench-335 squat-350 deadlift-455 body fat_ dont know for sure probably 10%, all 8 abs are visible and defined but not a body builder.(sounds fucking stupid but dont know how else to describe it and i wont be one of those guys...
  12. Superman80

    young guy doing first cycle help needed!

    Like previously said run arimidex letro completely eliminates estrogen therefore sore joints obviously not good since you are already injured. And If you don't want to take advice then don't but you will be sorry and re read my post it says run it 12 at the same dosage, also as previously...
  13. Superman80

    young guy doing first cycle help needed!

    Also the statement about getting gains without lifting is false. You will get fat if anything
  14. Superman80

    young guy doing first cycle help needed!

    Don't take this post the wrong way but take it as a bit of information from a guy who started a cycle without all the proper information and payed for it. And for the record my lack of knowledge for my first one was about 500x more prepared than you are. First of all you need to lift heavy to...