second cycle not a newb just want feedback


New member
start with stats, nutrition and training.
weight 205
body fat_ dont know for sure probably 10%, all 8 abs are visible and defined but not a body builder.(sounds fucking stupid but dont know how else to describe it and i wont be one of those guys claiming to be 4 percent)

wednesday legs
thursday arms/abs
friday- shoulders
saturday legs/abs
sunday rest

8 am 5 eggs 1 cup oatmeal 2 scoops mutant mass
11 am 1 cup greek yogurt 1 cup granola 1 cup berries
1 pm 2 chciken breasts 2 baked potatoes 1 cup broccoli
4 pm post workout 1 banana 2 scoops mutant mass
5 pm 2 cups brown rice 2 steaks 1 cup spinach
8 pm 1 cup cottage cheese 1 apple handful almonds
10pm 1 can tuna 1 cup quionoa
11 pm caesien protein l glutamine

not going to get into training i know how to train. but just for the one person that will throw in their 2 cents i usually do 10 exercises with low rep range heavy weight 5 sets each exercise, lots of drop sets.

considering this as a cycle. 10 weeks test E(500 a week, 250 shots monday morning and thursday night) kick start anadrol for 5 weeks.(80 mg daily). adex 1 mg daily, start hcg after 3 weeks continue enitire cycle through bridge and pct. start pct after week 12 (2 week bridge) pct nolva 40/40/20/20 clomid 100/100/50/50. discontinue adex and hcg last day of pct.

As lean of gains as possible looking for strength and athletic performace, would love to add and maintain 15 solid pounds of mass while pushing bench past 400.

feed back would be great, 1st cycle was test and var gained 20 lbs kept 16, kept all strength, honestly lost zero. only issue last time was serious gyno scare and 2 weeks after pct balls shrank again and started losing weight. really want to avoid that this time any feed back would be awesome. open to critisism and wont bitch thanks.
Did you run that much adex on your last cycle? 1mg a day is a lot. Many guys only run .25-.50mg EOD on that much test.

You should consider extending cycle to 12 weeks if time permits.

I am on TRT so I don't have to worry about PCT. I'll let other speak to that, but you may of some issues with what you have planned.

Are you running pre, mid and post cycle labs?
0.5mg adex EOD or possibly ED at most should easily handle your estrogen levels.

Don't run hcg during your pct, only use it UNTIL pct, but you have the right idea for sure.

Also that clomid dosage is a bit excessive. 100/day makes me want to cry when sad songs come on the radio. The feels man, the feels.

Your diet looks pretty dialled, I couldn't say how many calories you're eating but based on the clean-ish looking food (besides whatever mutant mess is) but I have a feeling if you are hoping to put on that much muscle you're going to need -more- of everything, especially at your height
-More cals (over 4000, 3J or someone would have a better idea though)
-More gear (maybe not more test, but another compound...deca or EQ maybe)
-More time (12-16 weeks depending on bloodwork, I don't think 10 is going to net you the muscle gain you're looking for)

If you aren't trying to be a bodybuilder and want to hit a 400lbs bench at that height, I feel like you're going to have to be at least 230 to do it, and may not be achievable while at 8% bf unless you want to run grams of gear per week.
all responses greatly appreciated. in regards to my adex i ran 1 mg eod and man my nips were swollen and i started getting lumps fortuantely they went away post i wanted to make things easier and just do it every day to be sure its not terrible on the liver but if people say .5 a day then i will try it. i realize my clomid is high but again considering last time i did it this way and even at that dose a week after pct my balls shrank again. yes im not a body builder although i feel i could compete lets just say my career revolves around me being big, fast and strong. and also to snow patrol yes for whatever reason no my legs lack, i work them twice a week and hard hopeing to push myself way past my boundries this cycle. and finally although i want to add some serious size i dont want it to be completely blatant and obvious what i am doing. im already in good shape and people know i am a big person, and 230-240 is my goal weight in the next couple of years. any more feed back would be great thanks
Have you considered running tamoxifen while on cycle to prevent gyno since it sounds like you are prone to it?
I wasn't aware running nolva through an entire cycle was recommended? if its a good idea then ya I am all for it. How would this effect pct though?
Again any and all advice is welcome I am no expert just going off of previous experience and a shit ton of research.
I wasn't aware running nolva through an entire cycle was recommended? if its a good idea then ya I am all for it. How would this effect pct though?

Or raloxifene might be better. Anyway, something to consider should gyno rear its ugly head again.

Here is a link to a post from Austinite that you should check out. Look at the bottom in the FAQs. And check out other posts he has done. Lots of great info in them!
only thing i noticed was your use and dosage of adex.. however it seems like megatron has already broke it down better then i could...