Recent content by Swan

  1. S

    Tren, I want the truth..

    I wIsh someone could post a tren only Lab result, with prior medical history, so we all know it's not another compound plus tren, or maybe and underlining condition, I appreciate the feed back, but where's the grit, I've seen alot from anthony Roberts, det oak, and a couple others I want a...
  2. S

    Tren, I want the truth..

    This is purely scientific in nature, I only want facts, no emotions, none of that " my best friends cousins former acquaintance had this happen" bullshit... I know Perception plays a part do To how people can generally react differently as far as sides go with aas, but I guess there can be...
  3. S

    Test 400?

    So arimidex was nescisary, but like we all say to the beginner 500 Mgs a week whats the dose for t400
  4. S

    Test 400?

    Idk if I can name the maker it's BD my bad if that's a problem, this will be my 4th cycle, first was test e+tren secOnd was var and cypionate the var was 6 weeks cyp was 12 and the first cycle was 6 weeks tren and 12 test, third was straight test e at 500 a week, I'm just trying to figure out...
  5. S

    Test 400?

    Can anyone tell me anything about there personal experience with test 400 or super test? Gains? Sides? Dosage? Gains? Worth it?
  6. S

    Dbol, what else i need?

    It's weird that so many kids at 20-21 are so thin for there height, and assume that gear can magically make them a healthy 220, so many "hard gainers" I eat a grape and gain 30 lbs, eat my friend eat sleep eat lift heavy until u are an age where I suppose u are naturally working against yourself
  7. S

    Test question

    Thanks everyone !
  8. S

    Test question

    I believe It's got 3 things in it , it's byogen test 400
  9. S

    Test question

    What's test 400, and what's the difference between test 250 and 400
  10. S

    Threads like this run off new members...Salmon Run of Noobs

    My opinion means shit, but I agree with the thread thing, you cant give wrong advice and u can stop answering dumb questions if everyone bands together and says we read up before doing this now you read and just paste the link to them, they will be forced to read until they answer there own...
  11. S

    **NOOB FIRST TIMMER** just got some dbol

    What we All know And myself being one of the retarded is, if they have it there going to do it, I think we all personally need to feel some remorse and sympathy for him, yes he Fuck himself up, but in the end he will learn, I do agree it isn't time for him to tAke the velchro shoes off and the...
  12. S

    Low Testosterone?

    God at this point if the-det-oak told me to drink hcg I would prolly drink it.. Man this forum is full of awesome
  13. S

    This is what it's come down to for second cycle

    I think I should see some mediocre gains, wich will Hold me until more deliciousness comes to my fingertips
  14. S

    This is what it's come down to for second cycle

    The horrible part is, I have 1 vial at 10 ml, wich means I'm gonna run it low, last shipment was seized and I cAnnot go thru that shit again... So idk figure I might just make it an 8 week cycle then, really depressing
  15. S

    This is what it's come down to for second cycle

    Test cyp 250 weeks 1-10 Dbol 1-4 at 20 Mgs just to see what it will do to me 500iu's a week of HCG through out the cycle Then 500iu's every day for 10 days leading up to 4 days before SERM treatment. I have aromasin on hand Stats 6"4 Weight 240 Bf% 18 Years training 8 Previous cycle: test e...