Dbol, what else i need?


New member
Whats up guys, im 21 and weigh 165 lbs. I had to stop lifting for the past year to help my fiance with our son but i have been back it for a little while now and am pretty upset about how much weight and strength i lost (used to bench 275 and weighed 185) I never have tried any anabolics so i wanted to start with DBOL oral and needed some advice on a post cycle therapy (pct) and what else you would recommend i take for side affects. Thanks
You need to read the sticky at the top of this forum

"oral only cycles"

Then you need to reevaluate. AAS are not used because you took a bunch of time off and think this will fix things. You are just asking for a tendon injury. AAS shut down natty test. Bad idea.
user got it right. read dawgs sticky... and every other sticky for that matter. they are all great reads. what's with all the oral only cycle threads lately?
Pitt with proper training and diet you should be back to that weight and strength level in no time. The body has a remarkable way of gaining back what it lost pretty quickly.
You have muscle memory and if u were 185 before it should take two months tops to get back to it! I've done that plenty of times when I was your age. Eat more than u are now, take some creatine, and lift heavy and you will get back to where u were. Steroids are not an easy way out of being weak and skinny.
Whats up guys, im 21 and weigh 165 lbs. I had to stop lifting for the past year to help my fiance with our son but i have been back it for a little while now and am pretty upset about how much weight and strength i lost (used to bench 275 and weighed 185) I never have tried any anabolics so i wanted to start with DBOL oral and needed some advice on a post cycle therapy (pct) and what else you would recommend i take for side affects. Thanks

With muscle momory working in your favor you should get your strength and weight back quicker then you think. I strained my back and didnt squat for a month. In that month my squat went down by 30 lbs. it only took me 2 weeks to get that strength back. eat squat dead lift bench and you will be back to 185 in no time.
Start with simple supplements that work and you'll bounce back soon. Creapure creatine and Beta-Alanine are 2 to consider.
Food would be the best place to start..I agree with the others that you should read the stickies there is a wealth of information there. Don't go running to aas right away, give yourself time to learn how to do it right. If you listen to the advice that will be given to you you will be able to make the most of it when you do get to the point of using something else.
notice how no body supported you on taking a dbol oral cycle, because its not good for liver, health or for you... if you took some time off jump on creatine... you will gain most of your strength back in 2-3 weeks... after you are back to your max and feel you are not gaining anymore, you can jump on a real cycle... dbol is used to jump start a cycle..

when i first heard about AAS i jumped on a dbol only cycle like you...at first i was impressed, after u are done, you will just lose all the water weight and be back to normal.

read read read, do some research before jumping into it, it will pay off in the long run
welcome to ology . hit the gym and refrigerator for a year or 2 before starting steroids.
please stick around here and take advantage of our great diet forum .
There you go pitt. 11 bros telling you not a good idea and what to do that will be a good idea.
Hopefully you will take this advice and keep on learning by reading and researching.
Good luck.
It's weird that so many kids at 20-21 are so thin for there height, and assume that gear can magically make them a healthy 220, so many "hard gainers" I eat a grape and gain 30 lbs, eat my friend eat sleep eat lift heavy until u are an age where I suppose u are naturally working against yourself
Smack hand on forehead!!!!!

What is up with all these Dbol threads?? There most be someone standing on every street corner pushing Dbol on these poor kids.
