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  • Hey thanks for yout interest. I got from both ergopep and ostagain. The tren from regerxxl and anabolic body. Doses like 200 to 300 of each
    Hosie , you being in Australia things get complicated. I suggest you contact one of our Ausie brothers. vbrah is a nice guy and Aussie also.
    G'day zeek I'm a newbie here and have been reading this site for sometime now , I'm from Australia , I'm 29 and a keen gym freak .. Last week I started on dbol 10mg this week I'm doing 40mg Ed as a kick start ... Dbols came from a mate and already I feel I'm jumping out of my skin , lifting more than ever , so I know there legit... 3weeks ago I ordered some sus 250 from a site with out reading the reviews (bad move) they took my money and haven't heard from them since ... Your self and dadawg seem to be the most respected and helpfull guys here , and I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction of a legit source so I can purchase sus 250 , anavar to stack my cycle along with nolvadex and clomid for my pct ?
    i had a quick question,i have some gear ready to go (dbol-n-test p) but i recently sprained my ankle i can walk on it and work out light, if i start the cycle u think it might help me heal the sprain faster?
    Trey, put a little time in and post on the site. As of right now you have 0 posts brother.
    Zeek, I have been burned once with my purchase of hgh from China. Can you please get me a source that is legit>
    I have limited peptide experience. With that said I really enjoyed IGF-1 DES and found that it did indeed raise my IGF levels by 204 pts.
    You will soon enough learn which brands are good just by reading posts on here.
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