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  • Hey Zeek do you happen to know if the needles/syringes sold by RUI are any good or should I just go with Direct Line? PM me if you want.
    Perfect, will be a good PCT off of my first cycle then. As always, thanks Zeek!
    Is a month long enough, too long, or just right? lol....I just read a similar story to my daughter a little earlier!
    1mg per IGF- DES vial from GWP. so at 100mcg per day that is 10 days per vial. So 3 vials will do you a month! Be sure to buy the water with it because it doesn't come with it for mixing.
    Hey man....how many vials of IGF-DES should I need to research for about a month at a time and is a month a good duration for DES? Gotta hop on that GWP sale!
    Hey Zeek, is there something else from RUI that i should run with the GHRP??...thanks for your help!!
    ever heard of apexpharmagroup.com

    May try ordering. Haven't seen anything bad about them so was going to make a small order to test out the waters.
    Run the clo9mid at 50mg per day for PCT x 4 weeks. As for the test P, figure out how much of it you need to run 1.5 ml every other day and you want to go at least 10 weeks.
    Since you have already been on the D-bol for a month go ahead and get yourself some test prop.. Inject 150 mg of prop every other day and drop the d-bol. 4 weeks is plenty enough time for it especially on a first run. Are you faimiliar with PCT?
    hahaha! yes sir! still getting the "wow your tanned comments"

    It was more an expierement ..so next time I will use it closer to spring.haha

    People say wow, where did you go that was warm?

    Tanning bed sweety;)
    And you are the only guy within 500 miles of there sporting a mid august tan! Always have to find the bright side!
    it's brutal bro, vehicles hate it..it hate it:( Had a blizzard lat night so the roads are shit!
    I was just whining about it being 30 something here. -19 is some serious cold Jimbo!
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