1 day old and already 260 members!!!


Community Veteran, Owner of SuperiorMuscle.com
Thanks to all the loyal members for sticking with us threw all the crap. My goal for this board is to be at 6000 members by 2004. MZ was all most at 2000 in only 4 months. I think we can do it. Lets see if we can reach that.:)
im not sure you realy want that many unless they can contribute good info. id rather have a 1000 members who know there shit then 10,000 who post bullshit all day to bump there psot count
bronco944 said:
im not sure you realy want that many unless they can contribute good info. id rather have a 1000 members who know there shit then 10,000 who post bullshit all day to bump there psot count
thats why im here brother. i will weed out all the clowns and tell them to f*ck off!lol
good deal. i jsut dont want this turning into another elite where good questions go unanswered and disapear after 20 minutes.
Agreed with bronco.

Also, check it out. OVer 1,000 posts the first day on the AS board alone. That's awesome!
bronco944 said:
good deal. i jsut dont want this turning into another elite where good questions go unanswered and disapear after 20 minutes.
that gets hard to control bro. you have to remeber that elite has been around since 96'. im sure we don't have to worry about there problems for a few years. lol
The Terminator said:
Bwahahaha, I think your 94 posts per day should get the total up there quick enough...

I'm just trying to beat drveejay's post count by 1 to make 101. Then I'm going to bed. LOL

thats why im here brother. i will weed out all the clowns and tell them to f*ck off!lol

So far I've ducked under your radar...so far at least....c'mon and get me bitch :D

Thanks to all the loyal members for sticking with us threw all the crap. My goal for this board is to be at 6000 members by 2004. MZ was all most at 2000 in only 4 months. I think we can do it. Lets see if we can reach that.:)

That'll be a breeze!