"1 drop of pyrogen-free Water has been added to render vial sterile upon autoclaving"


"1 drop of pyrogen-free Water has been added to render vial sterile upon autoclaving"

I bought some 30ml sterile vials at a local pharmacy. They say on the side:
"1 drop of pyrogen-free Water has been added to render vial sterile upon autoclaving"

so, I assume that they're not sterile as-is.

Must they be autoclaved or would it suffice to put them in the oven, vented with a pin, at 275f for an hour?

Also posted on the anabolic main board.
I dont understand why they would sell sterile vials that are not sterile. the pyrogen free water makes sense as they wouldnt put dirty water in there. can you see the liquid? as far as sterility when you bake the end solution at 275f it will take care of it. I am guessing that the vials are sterile and they were just giving a broad statement for folks in the lab. But who knows for sure unless you call the manufactorer. autoclaving is very effective in conjunction with antimicrobials for aqueous solutions.
I know exactly where you're coming from there...that's what I found to be weird.

On thinking about it farther, I think that they are actually sterile and the drop of water they refer to is added BEFORE THEY autoclave them.

I'd like to get rid of that water before adding oil to the vial though. Or does it even matter?
What did you say to them to get the vials. I think I'll try today to get some vials and filters. I get hassled just getting pins sometimes.
Deadlift said:
What did you say to them to get the vials. I think I'll try today to get some vials and filters. I get hassled just getting pins sometimes.

I actually went in for syringe filters (.22 is all they had, gonna give them a shot. they're a bit smaller than the millex ones too.) and it just struck me to ask them for sterile vials. They didn't ask what they were for. If they did, my answer would be something like "Mind your own fucking business."

This stuff isn't terribly common. It took me a long time to find a pharm that had them and even then they don't normally deal with the general public so they weren't exactly helpful. I had to be pretty pushy.

On the vials it actually says that you can't get them without a prescription but they're made in the US so it probably only applies to them.
i order all that stuff off the internet. its cheaper than pharms too with a bigger selection. usually within a few days the stuff is delivered.