1-test and 4-diol


New member
I am 31 yrs 5'8" 170. I have been training for 3 years now, I would rather use the real deal, but for now I have to hold. What do you guys think about 1-test and 4-diol combo?:confused:
What type of delivery are you talking about using?

I would scrap oral and go transdermal at least. If you don't mind needles oil based delivery systems are getting some good reviews.

What are your goals?
I used T-1 Pro worked well lot of water retention but strength and size increase. Get some nizoral shampoo for your hair and get some nolvadex because i did get some slight symptoms of gynocamastia.
I used 6OXO but did loss some of the gains.
i believe in 8 weeks i put on 14 lbs. kept 7lbs. not bad for legal stuff.