1-testosterone cyp(dihydroboldenone)


New member
Anyone have any experience with this compound? From the info i have found(which isn't much) it looks like a pretty good compound, but it doesn't seem to be very popular for whatever reason. Any personal experiences or even point me in the direction to find more info on it would be helpful.
From what I read I was thinking it should be cheaper than tren to run, and with less sides and some of the same effects it almost seems like a little brother to Trent don't understand why it's not more popular than it is.......have u ran it before dre?
From what I read I was thinking it should be cheaper than tren to run, and with less sides and some of the same effects it almost seems like a little brother to Trent don't understand why it's not more popular than it is.......have u ran it before dre?

Have not ran it Freakyfoot. I've been starting to some research on it for a member from another board in on and I happened to check prices with my supplier for it. Price of raws is cheaper than tren but finished product I should say I'm not sure since the demand or lack thereof plus another bunch of factors could jack up the finished product's cost.

Basically the common theme I'm seeing is it's kind of like tren and EQ or primo. The effects aren't as strong as tren but the sides aren't as bad either. And more potent mg for mg basis than primo. This is all second hand info though so don't hold me to it just yet
Never heard of it ... Dre I'm assuming when your done your research you'll post what you found

Yea but I got some other research projects I'm doing lol. Might be a min. I had never heard of it either until just a few weeks ago or so. I don't think Anabolics by Llewellyn has anything on it even which would be very weird.
Take your time bro not like I'm gonna replace tren with this stuff lol ... Just like gaining knowledge on stuff i don't know yet
The info I find is fairly limited, could you possibly point me on the right direction for information on this stuff. I'm very tempted to give it a go for my next cycle with test but wanna know more beforehand.
Take your time bro not like I'm gonna replace tren with this stuff lol ... Just like gaining knowledge on stuff i don't know yet

I don't think I'm ready for tren yet so I'm really interested to use this as a stepping stone before I make it to tren.
I don't think I'm ready for tren yet so I'm really interested to use this as a stepping stone before I make it to tren.

Anything I find I'll post in here or send you and BigKit. If it's enough info maybe make a thread or article about it.

As to it being a stepping stone to tren I would say it could be viewed like that by results alone. In other aspects nandrolone would be a much better stepping stone and comparison as they are both 19-nors, both are progestins, etc. This could be an option if you want to get your feet wet with tren-like compounds.
Great steroid. In terms of effects, I would describe it as a super primo...or a slightly weaker, low side effect tren. I love this drug--one of my absolute favorites. It can be used with anything, for any reason, either off-season or pre-contest...and it is effective in all circumstances. The muscle built is hard, dry, and dense like trenbolone, and while gains do come much quicker than boldenone or Primo, they are not quite as fast as tren. However, for many people, the fact that they can use this stuff without any shitty feelings and basically no outwardly noticable side effects, makes it a better choice than trenbolone.

A small percentage of people report mild lethargy, but do not confuse this lethargy with the type associated with potent orals. Some orals can make you feel shitty overall, while DHB doesn't act this way. If anything, you might feel a bit less energitic, but it's not a bad feeling. Most people don't experience this, just as most people don't experience anxiety with EQ. Adding test to your cycle usually clears up any problems in this area.

Another benefit of this drug is that it can be used at higher dosages while still feeling good, allowing the person to equal the gains they would get with moderate dose trenbolone, but without the side effects associated with trenbolone use.

Many DHB preparations are improperly produced, leading to horrible PIP. DHB does NOT have to have this side effect, but in my experience, I have found that most versions do cause bad PIP and in some cases, it can be very severe...far worse than any prop you will ever use...to the point where you cannot walk without a very noticable limp and significant pain which lasts a week. Again, there are versions which only cause mild PIP, which is completely acceptable, but don't expect a zero PIP version of DHB because it probably isn't going to happen. If you can find a real, properly dosed version of DHB with mild PIP, but as much as you can because it probably won't last very long.

This is one of those steroids which can change the body considerably all by itself...and when combined with other steroids, you can expect amazing changes in your physique within a relatively short period of time. In terms of dosing, I have found 600-1,000 mg/week to be ideal.