10$ tub of cell tech

megadose said:
i usually take both. slow digesting so i don't crash during a w/o and dex so i can the benefits of creatine.
thats fine, i think i recommended that to him in another thread
bigggdoggg said:
so take creatine and a lil bit of dex pree workout the after take dextrose. well i have 50/50 malto/ dex
yes take 5 g of creatine with 20-30g of dextrose and also a slow digesting so u don't crash for pre work out. then for post take half of one serving of cell tech which will i believe is one scoop. and that all. also make sure u take in plenty of water to stay hydraded.
celltech must be trying a sales drive , both my local GNC and vitamin world are offering it at 15-20$ a tub. funny thing is ,mg for mg, my axis labs cee is still cheaper and a much better quality product.