10 weeks into cycle - sleeping, breathing, problems


I am banned!
10 weeks into a 14 week cycle
600 mg test cyp (jump started cycle with 75 mg test prop eod for three weeks)
500 mg deca

feeling good.. 20 lbs gained, strength is up, appetite and energy are good, etc..

but last couple weeks I can't sleep.. I wake up 10 times a night and can't breath well, and I feel claustrophobic, as well as my heart rate is pretty high (resting rate is 97).

I was pro active with my blood pressure this whole cycle and took BP sups.. so blood pressure is not too bad 140/80

Any thoughts? this is mainly at night while trying to sleep
Any one else have similar issues at night on this type of cycle?

I've got a bunch of HGH sitting around.. thought I might start taking that at 4 iu a day, heard it helps you sleep
My guess is a high hematocrit level + high e2.

Are you using an aromatase inhbitior?

High hematocrit means high red blood cell count (RBC) AKA thicker blood, which when too high can cause a few problems, one of which you are describing. Either go donate blood and you will notice you may feel a lot better after the donation leading to believe it is high hematocrit or go get yourself some blood work asap and avoid playing the never ending guessing game
Im running .5 mg anastrozole eod..

I've thought about going and donating blood.. problem is I get tattoo work done every two weeks, and I've heard that that will disqualify you from being a donor..plus multiple partners.. (fuk, anyway to figure out how to safely measure and just bleed out a litter myself at home,,, suggestions ?)

Its prob high RBC.. I was on TRT for a year or more before getting on this cycle
fuk, anyway to figure out how to safely measure and just bleed out a litter myself at home,,, suggestions ?

It's doable - look up home phlebotomies.

Much safer would be to have a doctor write your a prescription to have a phlebotomy done at a local clinic
Anyone thats donated blood before know about what gauge needle is used for the vein?

I was thinking taking the 25g 1" needle I use for delts.. I'll pop that on a 5 ml syringe and hit the vein.. then I'll pull the plunger slowly all the way out the bottom and then bleed out into a 2 liter pop bottle til its about a 1/4 full (500 ml of blood which is about whats taken in blood donation)..
?? think it will work.

Or I go to my doc, get blood work done.. he finds my RBC is high and recommends Phlebotomy.. I'm sure he'll also see all the gear I'm on though.
any suggestions
I wouldn't do that. But, if I did, I would use a larger than 25ga and have someone with you in case you pass out.
Use a smaller pin(larger number) and don't pull on the plumber any faster than snail mode with it in your vein. Have someone tape it down so it doesn't tear up your vein when you go to disconnect the plunger. This will be messy. You could always order the supplies to do it correctly. Much easier with those vacuum sealed vials. Just be careful and like stated above, have someone there.
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You could always order the supplies to do it correctly. Much easier with those vacuum sealed vials. Just be careful and like stated above, have someone there..

Thanks.. just checked and phlebotomy kits are like $20 is all
Im running .5 mg anastrozole eod..

I've thought about going and donating blood.. problem is I get tattoo work done every two weeks, and I've heard that that will disqualify you from being a donor..plus multiple partners.. (fuk, anyway to figure out how to safely measure and just bleed out a litter myself at home,,, suggestions ?)

Its prob high RBC.. I was on TRT for a year or more before getting on this cycle

I've done it its not too hard. I used a 19gauge needle and found that to be quite slow. Use a bigger bore if you can.. It doesn't hurt like an IM injection, the only pakn here is breaking the skin. After that no worries.
Remove the plunger beforehand and attach the needle to the syringe minus plunger. Have a 400-500ml measured cup ready sit and wait for it to fill.
Always good to have someone else in the room if your prone to feinting.
Im running .5 mg anastrozole eod..

I've thought about going and donating blood.. problem is I get tattoo work done every two weeks, and I've heard that that will disqualify you from being a donor..plus multiple partners.. (fuk, anyway to figure out how to safely measure and just bleed out a litter myself at home,,, suggestions ?)

Its prob high RBC.. I was on TRT for a year or more before getting on this cycle

Most likely just answered your own question ;)

It's doable - look up home phlebotomies.

Much safer would be to have a doctor write your a prescription to have a phlebotomy done at a local clinic

Yeah please don't try and self-drain your blood. Just go see your doctor, get bloods and hopefully a phlebotomy done.

Do I think it will work? Maybe. Is it a good idea? Definitely not. Do I suggest you do it? Fuck no. You may not think this, but I have no problem injecting myself twice a week, yet every time I get blood drawn I go pale and light-headed and sometimes faint (although this is on an empty stomach 10 mins after waking up, and a blood donation on little food whilst tired and a little dehydrated so). Who knows if your prone to fainting when getting blood drawn, at least if you're having blood drawn by someone you don't nhave to worry about passing out with blood pissing out off you and breaking bones on the way down.
Drawing your own blood is just plain silly, there are so many places that you can donate blood in a safe, sterile environment. Thats a ridiculous idea if you ask me.
Drawing your own blood is just plain silly, there are so many places that you can donate blood in a safe, sterile environment. Thats a ridiculous idea if you ask me.

Injecting yourself with chemicals made in basements, you buy from who knows where is pretty 'silly' too.. to most people. But most all of us do that with no issues.. needles are needles, keep it sterile and it shouldn't be a problem (less risky then injecting a foreign substance, imo)

note: I did try to go and donate blood.. they would not let me. I've got visible tattoos on my arms an shoulders and get tattoo work done every two weeks. so they said I can't donate.
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I've done it its not too hard. I used a 19gauge needle and found that to be quite slow. Use a bigger bore if you can.. It doesn't hurt like an IM injection, the only pakn here is breaking the skin. After that no worries.
Remove the plunger beforehand and attach the needle to the syringe minus plunger. Have a 400-500ml measured cup ready sit and wait for it to fill.
Always good to have someone else in the room if your prone to feinting.

How long did it take you to drain out? Did the 19 g needle get clogged, or did it just continue to flow? So with no vacuum the blood flowed enough to fill up your 500 ml cup?
How long did it take you to drain out? Did the 19 g needle get clogged, or did it just continue to flow? So with no vacuum the blood flowed enough to fill up your 500 ml cup?

I was only doing it more for the experience - i don't have high hemotocrit. I only pulled at a guess about 100ml... I think the needle clogged after that, either that or I bumped it and left the vein. I'd suggest taping it down if you do it. Took close to 5 minutes. If i do it again I'll use a bigger bore needle for sure. I'd expect it to take over 15mins with the 19gauge at the rate it was coming out last time.
Yeah no vacuum needed, it should just pump out slowly. Just make sure you have someone else in the room, other than that its a piece of piss.
The last couple nights at 2am I wake up feeling like I'm in the middle of a leg workout or squats to failure (u know the feeling).. That's not right while sleeping.
Also, my skin has turned all red like I got a sunburn.. Chest pains can't breath.. Off to the doc!

Blood pressure was 220/100 resting pulse was 120.. They did an EKG. Turned out ok.. Waiting on blood lab results.. Doctor thinks I'm doing more gear then my heart can handle..
My rbc is prob going too be too high, right?
Or I'm holding a ton of water (which I doubt... I've done my ai at ..5 AI eod since day one.. And I'm pretty vascular and lean at 184 lbs)

Still waiting on labs.. But too much gear for my heart too keep up with? What u think?
Maybe "less is more" idk. (I was always a skinny cardio guy)
The last couple nights at 2am I wake up feeling like I'm in the middle of a leg workout or squats to failure (u know the feeling).. That's not right while sleeping.
Also, my skin has turned all red like I got a sunburn.. Chest pains can't breath.. Off to the doc!

Blood pressure was 220/100 resting pulse was 120.. They did an EKG. Turned out ok.. Waiting on blood lab results.. Doctor thinks I'm doing more gear then my heart can handle..
My rbc is prob going too be too high, right?
Or I'm holding a ton of water (which I doubt... I've done my ai at ..5 AI eod since day one.. And I'm pretty vascular and lean at 184 lbs)

Still waiting on labs.. But too much gear for my heart too keep up with? What u think?
Maybe "less is more" idk. (I was always a skinny cardio guy)
