I am banned!
10 weeks into a 14 week cycle
600 mg test cyp (jump started cycle with 75 mg test prop eod for three weeks)
500 mg deca
feeling good.. 20 lbs gained, strength is up, appetite and energy are good, etc..
but last couple weeks I can't sleep.. I wake up 10 times a night and can't breath well, and I feel claustrophobic, as well as my heart rate is pretty high (resting rate is 97).
I was pro active with my blood pressure this whole cycle and took BP sups.. so blood pressure is not too bad 140/80
Any thoughts? this is mainly at night while trying to sleep
Any one else have similar issues at night on this type of cycle?
I've got a bunch of HGH sitting around.. thought I might start taking that at 4 iu a day, heard it helps you sleep
600 mg test cyp (jump started cycle with 75 mg test prop eod for three weeks)
500 mg deca
feeling good.. 20 lbs gained, strength is up, appetite and energy are good, etc..
but last couple weeks I can't sleep.. I wake up 10 times a night and can't breath well, and I feel claustrophobic, as well as my heart rate is pretty high (resting rate is 97).
I was pro active with my blood pressure this whole cycle and took BP sups.. so blood pressure is not too bad 140/80
Any thoughts? this is mainly at night while trying to sleep
Any one else have similar issues at night on this type of cycle?
I've got a bunch of HGH sitting around.. thought I might start taking that at 4 iu a day, heard it helps you sleep