12 month cycle, guidance


New member
t400-1cc 2x a week week one, 1.5 cc 2x a week week 2, week 3 2cc 2x a week and same there on out
primo, 100 mg same as t400
dbol 50 mg per day for first 4 weeks

was informed to change compounds every 12-16 weeks, 2week post cycle therapy (pct) then jump back on to different compounds with test eing the base of course, is this correct? reason fro going a whole year, was also informed that your body needs to be at a certin weight for a while to hold mass gained, will be testing out this theory, but am iffy about changing compounds, taking a 2 week break makes sense, but nto to sure about switching compounds
33years old
266lbscurrent weight
this would be my 9-10th go usually do 12week cycles, ty in advance for any help
So are on trt/want to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? Or do you compete? If you have any knowledge about anabolics you would know that this is not a good idea. Time on=time off. So if you run a 12 week cycle you need to stay off for somewhere around 18 weeks. Running this cycle would really screw with your nat test production and be very hard to recover from. It will also screw up your lipid levels pretty bad.
I've always done 12 week cycles because if this yet, I have a friend who is a hard gainer, ran a year round cycle, has been off for a few months and gas held his weight, whereas before he wouldn't hold his weight, si I've actually seen this work, he seems to have recovered well from it also, there has to be a correct way to run a 12 mnth cycle,
The only "correct" way to run a 12 month cycle would be if you were on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and just blasting and cruising.
I've always done 12 week cycles because if this yet, I have a friend who is a hard gainer, ran a year round cycle, has been off for a few months and gas held his weight, whereas before he wouldn't hold his weight, si I've actually seen this work, he seems to have recovered well from it also, there has to be a correct way to run a 12 mnth cycle,
Yep, there is - it's called...
The only "correct" way to run a 12 month cycle would be if you were on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and just blasting and cruising.

You have to ask yourself though; is it worth taking the chance at shutting your nuts off for the rest of your life so you can put on a few pounds of muscle? Unless you're competing or have a medical need (like me), why not just enjoy the fact that you don't HAVE to pin every week for the rest of your life? Having functioning balls must be underrated or something. :p