12 week cycle


zambon winstrol 100mg every 2 day
equipoise 600mg a week
500mg sustanon
200mg norma deca
clomid at the end

my weight was 268lbs now about 258lbs
height 5'9 started 18%bf
cycle into my 3rd week now
If i was u i wouldnt mix eq and deca together bro
run something like this
1-10 Sustanon (sust) 500mg/wk
1-10 EQ 400mg/wk
5-10 Winstrol (winny) 50mg/ed
1-8 Arimidex .25-.5mg/daily
My therory on HCG is something like this run 500 iu every 10 days starting @ 2nd week of ur cycle and run it till the end
Start clomid 2 weeks after cycle and run nolva along with clomid
Hope this helps a bit