Your AI is gonna be the cheapest substance in any cycle (last I checked $25).. Wither it's arimidex, running .25 mg eod or anostrazole running 12.5 mg ed,, it's really not gonna be pricey (but treating e2 or Gyno issues down the road will be)..
If your set on running 500 mg of test E as your foundation, and adding in Dbol or anything else, that test is gonna aromatize, and an AI is a must..
Now there are theoretical circumstances where you could possibly get by not using an AI,, for example running non aromatizing steroids like primobolan, winstrol, masteron,, or one that aromatizes at a very small rate like deca/NPP.. BUT keep in mind that all those compounds will shut down your natural test so you still have to have testosterone as your base.. You could run a low dose of test at 250 mg a week and higher amounts of the other compounds and aromatizing would be less, but still there,, NOW on top of that you could add Proviron, which has a higher binding affinity to SHBG and thus frees up testosterone while having the ability to keep the test from converting to estrogen in the first place and thus to some degree possible helping other compounds in your cycle to be used more efficiently (and maybe no AI would be needed in this case,, but blood work to check e2 to be sure would be needed to confirm)
If you ran a cycle with low test as a base and then deca or winny, mast, primo, etc.. And used proviron but did not use an AI,, I would def still get bloods during cycle to check e2 levels.**
BUT the cost of proviron is probably more then an AI anyways.. So if cost is your main factor a simple test Dbol cycle with an AI is the most bang for you buck.
** note: I will have more real world experience with this as my next cycle will include proviron NPP primobolan deca, etc.. And I will have bloods at some point seeing how well my e2 is kept in check (I still run an AI no matter what)
Also keep in mind that Masteron and Primobolan are probably the most faked compounds out there.. So if u go that route have a good source.