12nmol/L S-testosterone 21 years old


New member
Im 21 years old i had one cycle for 8 months ago anavar 40 daily for 6-7 weeks.
Pct was nolvadex 40/40/20/20.
I had my S-testosterone checked with result:
12 nmol/L ref is 10-30.
The doctor finds it okey and normal.
What do you guys think?
Should i worry? im thinking about doing pct again with nolva and clomid is this a good choice?
So you've got the same thing posted in several different threads now.

Converting 12 nmol/L to what we use is 346 ng/dL

At 21 your normal range would be from about 300 to 900, so putting into school grade terms you are about a D- or F student.

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For anybody to give you any real advice you need to have your LH and FSH levels checked, along with testosterone and estrogen. But pretty much no matter what that shows the course of action would be a run of HCG for a number of weeks that depends on how your respond at 1,000 IU/day, then followed by a course of clomid and nolvadex together for four to six weeks at something like 50/50/50/25/25/25 and 40/40/40/20/20/20

That should fix you up, and if it doesn't you will need to find a good endo, which can be a roll of the dice.