13 weeks out!

looking good man. From the looks of it you better start tanning now LOL!! But you have good size and should lean out nicely.
Right on the money for 13 weeks out. How tall? What is your cycle going to look like as the contest approaches?
back is big and red....
your lats and long midesction make the pecs seem smaller...
you do need to get than tan gonig...
massive and impressive, good luck and keeps us updated on the cutting
Thanks for the replies. Stats are 5' 11'' 242lbs started dieting at 273lbs. Definately need a tan for sure! This is sort of my come back show after a three year lay off from competing. Cycle is very simple and will not change! It stays the same throughout the offseason right through to the show! With the exception of clen and T3'sfor fat loss! So this should give you a good idea of what I use just and just the one compound ( Test Enanthate). I'll keep you updated from time to when I can!!

Looking forward to the photos as you lean out. Since your holding a bit of water its hard to gauge what the overall detail will be like. But dude, your arms when ripped will be freakish come showtime. Nice peaks on the bis too.
biggrnu said:
Thanks for the replies. Stats are 5' 11'' 242lbs started dieting at 273lbs. Definately need a tan for sure! This is sort of my come back show after a three year lay off from competing. Cycle is very simple and will not change! It stays the same throughout the offseason right through to the show! With the exception of clen and T3'sfor fat loss! So this should give you a good idea of what I use just and just the one compound ( Test Enanthate). I'll keep you updated from time to when I can!!


Sup are at 1750 mgand will most likely stay at that! The last 2-3 weeks D-bol or Anadrol will be added, but thats it!
LOL, maybe, but I do believe my left is smaller than the right! Might just be the pics if it looks that way or maybe it just has a better peak!
biggrnu said:
Thanks for the replies. Stats are 5' 11'' 242lbs started dieting at 273lbs. Definately need a tan for sure! This is sort of my come back show after a three year lay off from competing. Cycle is very simple and will not change! It stays the same throughout the offseason right through to the show! With the exception of clen and T3'sfor fat loss! So this should give you a good idea of what I use just and just the one compound ( Test Enanthate). I'll keep you updated from time to when I can!!


great job and good luck.
to me your right looks a bit bigger.. but not by much.. maybe he has his left and rights mixed up.. good job and good luck.
I think I did say my right was bigger!!! But yes you are totally right not sure if they really are or i just hold fat and water in my right differently if thats at all possible!!! They seem to even out when I leaned out...Thanks again for your reply and hopefully I can have an update soon.

StylesB said:
to me your right looks a bit bigger.. but not by much.. maybe he has his left and rights mixed up.. good job and good luck.
biggrnu said:
Sup are at 1750 mgand will most likely stay at that! The last 2-3 weeks D-bol or Anadrol will be added, but thats it!
adding drol or dbol at the end may cause water gain and bloat . most people cut their androgens a few weks out from contest and stick to non bloating gear like var / winnie / proviron / halo / masteron / etc.

good luck
I understand where you are coming from and I thought the same thing until I dieted that way! The only way you can get away from water bloat is to stay away from starchy carbs and deplete and this is the way I have dieted with the exact same sups. The trainers that I used have always used this process with all of their clients. Believe me I was a disbeliever until I did it myself!!
DADAWG said:
adding drol or dbol at the end may cause water gain and bloat . most people cut their androgens a few weks out from contest and stick to non bloating gear like var / winnie / proviron / halo / masteron / etc.

good luck
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biggrnu said:
I understand where you are coming from and I thought the same thing until I dieted that way! The only way you can get away from water bloat is to stay away from starchy carbs and deplete and this is the way I have dieted with the exact same sups. The trainers that I used have always used this process with all of their clients. Believe me I was a disbeliever until I did it myself!!
lol im just a dumb old ex powerlifter . i was just repeating advice ive seen posted repeatedly by respected bros , ive never cut down for a contest . i imagine the availability of 2nd generation anti es like aromasin makes the use of androgens precontest much different than the old days .
good luck and keep us posted . :)