15mg of Anavar


Community Veteran
I've been doing some research on anavar. I found a lot of studies about it's effects on AIDS and burn patients. So when I came across this one, I thought I'd post it.

Short-term oxandrolone administration stimulates net muscle protein synthesis in young men.

Sheffield-Moore M, Urban RJ, Wolf SE, Jiang J, Catlin DH, Herndon DN, Wolfe RR, Ferrando AA.

Department of Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, and Shriners Burn Hospital for Children, Galveston 77550, USA. melmoore@utmb.edu

Short term administration of testosterone stimulates net protein synthesis in healthy men. We investigated whether oxandrolone [Oxandrin (OX)], a synthetic analog of testosterone, would improve net muscle protein synthesis and transport of amino acids across the leg. Six healthy men [22+/-1 (+/-SE) yr] were studied in the postabsorptive state before and after 5 days of oral OX (15 mg/day). Muscle protein synthesis and breakdown were determined by a three-compartment model using stable isotopic data obtained from femoral arterio-venous sampling and muscle biopsy. The precursor-product method was used to determine muscle protein fractional synthetic rates. Fractional breakdown rates were also directly calculated. Total messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) concentrations of skeletal muscle insulin-like growth factor I and androgen receptor (AR) were determined using RT-PCR. Model-derived muscle protein synthesis increased from 53.5+/-3 to 68.3+/-5 (mean+/-SE) nmol/min.100 mL/leg (P < 0.05), whereas protein breakdown was unchanged. Inward transport of amino acids remained unchanged with OX, whereas outward transport decreased (P < 0.05). The fractional synthetic rate increased 44% (P < 0.05) after OX administration, with no change in fractional breakdown rate. Therefore, the net balance between synthesis and breakdown became more positive with both methodologies (P < 0.05) and was not different from zero. Further, RT-PCR showed that OX administration significantly increased mRNA concentrations of skeletal muscle AR without changing insulin-like growth factor I mRNA concentrations. We conclude that short term OX administration stimulated an increase in skeletal muscle protein synthesis and improved intracellular reutilization of amino acids. The mechanism for this stimulation may be related to an OX-induced increase in AR expression in skeletal muscle.

not sure what you mean to prove with the study?? 15mg of ox will cause increased protein synthesis, however for our goals it would be useless at that low of a dose.
What if my goals were to increase protein synthesis.

I hear what your saying, but don't you think sometimes we up doses, thinking more is better, when a low dose will work in our favor.

This has been said before, but look at BBers of the 60s and 70s they used what we would consider low doses. I think they relied more on training and nutrition rather then AAS.

With the price of anavar if a low dose will work in your favor, you could save some $. I don't think I'd go that low, but I wouldn't go passed 30mg on my first go round. JMO

Here's another one.

Combined effects of hyperaminoacidemia and oxandrolone on skeletal muscle protein synthesis.

Sheffield-Moore M, Wolfe RR, Gore DC, Wolf SE, Ferrer DM, Ferrando AA.

Department of Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston 77550, USA. melmoore@utmb.edu

We investigated whether the normal anabolic effects of acute hyperaminoacidemia were maintained after 5 days of oxandrolone (Oxandrin, Ox)-induced anabolism. Five healthy men [22 +/- 3 (SD) yr] were studied before and after 5 days of oral Ox (15 mg/day). In each study, a 5-h basal period was followed by a 3-h primed-continuous infusion of a commercial amino acid mixture (10% Travasol). Stable isotopic data from blood and muscle sampling were analyzed using a three-compartment model to calculate muscle protein synthesis and breakdown. Model-derived muscle protein synthesis increased after amino acid infusion in both the control [basal control (BC) vs. control + amino acids (C+AA); P < 0.001] and Ox study [basal Ox (BOx) vs. Ox + amino acids (Ox+AA); P < 0.01], whereas protein breakdown was unchanged. Fractional synthetic rates of muscle protein increased 94% (BC vs. C+AA; P = 0.01) and 53% (BOx vs. Ox+AA; P < 0.01), respectively. We conclude that the normal anabolic effects of acute hyperaminoacidemia are maintained in skeletal muscle undergoing oxandrolone-induced anabolism.

Full article http://ajpendo.physiology.org/cgi/content/full/278/2/E273

rj420 said:
not sure what you mean to prove with the study?? 15mg of ox will cause increased protein synthesis, however for our goals it would be useless at that low of a dose.

I tend to agree w/ JohnnyB. I had nice, conservative, LASTING gains on 400 test and 15 of oxandrolone. That's just me, but more's not necessarily that much better. I'm very wary w/ orals.
i think it depends on alot of factors though, one being weight, another being the kind of oxandrolone as well as the quality of oxandrolone used. It will certainly increase protein synthesis, but will you see substantial gains off of it by itself, i highly doubt it...but then again you could...its all about how your body reacts to it. Guinea pigging is the only way to find out.
15mg of anavar wont produce dramatic gains by itself, but add it onto a cycle, and I belive it will work synergistically with other steroids, amplify their actions.
I also agree w JohnnyB. Anavar will be in my next cycle, I'm not sure if I will use it with test at 25mg ED or will I use 15mg along w/ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 10mg D-Bol for a bridge. I'm still trying to put together a bridge for my future use with minimal disturbance of Natural test levels.
i wasn't saying it would be useless, but IMO if you ran 15mg by itself for a "cycle" you wouldn't gain much, if anything. You would get a temporary increase in strength/muscle hardness, but LBM gains would be very little. Now combined with another compound it could work synergistically and help to hold onto gains. Also, for a bridge this dose would be effective... I was merely stating that 15mg/day would be a waste IMO, if that were the only thing being used.
JohnnyB said:
What if my goals were to increase protein synthesis.


That is how all anabolics work..................increasing protein synthesis. It's no diff. the plain old test or anything else. I don't see what this study proves other then anavar works.
BTW, i do agree that we should use orals more sparingly and at lower doses/durations. I've never gone above 25mg/day of dbol, and even that dose made me grow like crazy.

I always read about some bros taking 100mg/oxymethalone or 50mg/dbol a day... way too much, at least for me. Obviously some bigger boys here need the higher dosages, but IMO they should just up their test and/or anabolic drug dosage... much safer and effective.

I also see no reason to "kick start" a cycle with an oral... just use some t prop/susp or frontload. Your liver and heart will thank you for it:)
The reason I put it up, is I was doing some research and came across a thread and the debate was over weather 20mg of Ox worked or not. Some said yes others no. I forgot where I read it now, so when I saw this one I thought I'd put it up.

It's just an FYI. That way if someone was wondering what was the lowest dose of anavar could be used and it still work. For bridging or stacked with another anabolic.

Deadlift said:
That is how all anabolics work..................increasing protein synthesis. It's no diff. the plain old test or anything else. I don't see what this study proves other then anavar works.
It shows anavar works at 15mg, which some say it needs to be higher. And if someone doesn't want to use test, like for bridging this could help with their decision.
