18 and trying SARMs - Questions


New member
Hi all, I just turned 18 and was hoping to put on a liiiiiittle size, maybe 15-25 pounds. Currently 6'2" at 160 lbs (72.5 kg). A bit about me - I've played sports all throughout highschool and started lifting seriously maybe a year and a half ago. I wrestled and junior year I was 138 lbs and 7% bf. After senior year I got lazy over the summer, started lifting again about a month ago, so maybe 2-3 months of not doing much, but I'm back to 1 rep maxing more than I did before my lazy period. I'm maybe 8-9%+ bf at 160 lbs, and I've always wanted to be maybe 175-180, would be ideal in my mind. I read up a bit on Ostarine, saw some logs, I know the long term effects are unknown, but I figured I would be very moderate with the dosage and such. I just had a few questions first (and no, it's not if I should just eat instead and wait til I'm older).

1. I take Animal M-STAK and a preworkout etc. Should I stop taking supps while on SARMs? Would it affect me negatively?

2. Would 5-10mg per day be ok for about 6 weeks? I'm obviously ottermode and don't think more than 15mg would do me right, but I want them gains.

3. The gains are supposed to be dry, but if I only cycle once, would I eventually lose them?

4. By bulking with a SARM, do I have to increase my caloric intake with all the new muscle? I get around 130-150g of protein per day right now.

If anyone can bring up some other good points that I didn't address, I'd greatly appreciate it. Just looking for some lean mass to put on, and I'm probably going to try SARMs one way or another. No known side effects so what's the worst that could happen? ¯\_(***12484;)_/¯
I say no, honestly. I know you're gonna do what you want, but at 18 your natural test levels are still great, and your body will be able to do the job on its own.

I highly recommend waiting on adding anything that could alter your test levels...but like I said, you will do what you want. So rather than being a bitch, I'll answer your questions for you, with hope you'll be safe, smart, and buy from a reputable source.

1. Pre-workouts do not affect sarms

2. Recommended osta dosage is 25mg per day. At 5-10mg I doubt you'd see much if anything at all.

3. Although sarms are definitely known to produce keepable gains, you still have to do your part. And quite honestly if you're expecting 25+ pounds from this, and you expect to keep them (if you even achieve that which is a long shot), you will be disappointed. Osta is known to produce 7-10lbs usually of keepable gains.

4. Not sure I understand this question. Are you asking if you still have to alter your diet and workout regimen for the osta to work? Well, yes. You still have to do your part. Let me repeat that. YOU STILL HAVE TO DO YOUR PART. You cannot expect to just sit on your ass and eat pizza and expect to gain all this magic muscle you seek.

The worst that could happen? Like I said:
1. You're going to be altering your natural test levels...this is a reason why no one will advocate PED use in people who are young like you. I get you wanna get buff and stuff, but you have to be smart. Wouldn't you rather just nut up, start working your ass off in the gym, follow a strict clean diet, and see REAL keepable gains? Save the substances for later.
2. As long as you buy from a reputable source, you're being safe. If not, it's the same as buying the hard stuff (AAS): you risk getting bunk shit, or stuff that could harm you. (SarmsSearch is the only place I trust- I know you're young and probably broke lol, but you have to be smart about what you put in your body. It isn't worth it. I went the cheap route in the past and experienced scary sides.)

I truly hope you'll be smart and hold off, but at least I will know you heard good advice.
Nope....wait. Do more reading and research....then reconsider when you're 24-25. Yes sarms are mild on the endocrine sytem, but honestly even mild suppression can be traumatic for your hpta when it's developing.
wait till about age 25, using before than can mess up or stop development in the body. by age 25 most/all development should be finished.

good luck.

I rec supps like protein powder, creatin , taurine, vitamins