18 years old quits steroid on 3rd week. What to do next?


New member
Hello, First of all i my first language is not English so please do not mind any grammatical errors.
Okay, most of you have already read my previous thread. I mentioned about my cycle and the side effects i was facing. I'll mention them again here if you didn't read.
I was on this cycle,
Week 1-6 Dbol 30mg daily
Week 1-12 Test-C 600mg per week (300mg on Tue, 300mg on Fri)
Liv52 - 2 tablets 3 times daily
No AI's or SERM's.

My stats are- 18 years old, 5'8", 82kgs, 19-20 percent body fat. Skinny-fat / Beginner type body.

This was the 3rd week and i made the thread after the first injection of this week, which i injected this tuesday. I was going through a couple of side effects like Headache, High BP, Difficulty breathing, Pain when urinating, Mild pain in stomach upon waking. I mentioned all this in the thread and they told me to quit the cycle and i did.
Now i'll be starting PCT of Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Clomid 50/50/50/50 after 14 days(of last pin).

Now i feel so demotivated because i know i won't build muscle like i was when juicing. There a few questions i'd like to ask,
Can i still build muscle naturally? No i haven't reached my genetic potential yet.
What would've happened if i had continued the cycle?
I am an endomorph skinny-fat male. What should i do, cut or bulk?
Should i follow a 3-4 day split now?
Have i stunted my growth in these 3 week cycle? (I was on a 4-week cycle last year aswell but i quit due to lower back injury)
3 weeks of test cyp really ain't shit as far as gains go. It dont kick in till 4-6 weeks. Do your pct. Learn a diet and training routine and go from there. Moat likely u wouldn't of gained much but water on that cycle without a good diet and training... Shit ain't magic in a bottle...
1. You already know by I have to say it.. You're too young.
2. Always run an AI, especially with higher BF
3. Of course you can build naturally. Get your shit together and diet.
4. What would've happened if you continued is probably a slough of sides with your stats.
5. Cut or bulk? Get in shape in general. You aren't training enough. Obviously you need to lose fat, but you also need some LMM which sounds like you don't have much. Eat clean, train harder, do cardio. Concerning with cut/bulk will come later once you have a foundation.
6. You probably have not stunted your growth IMO, but if you keep doing these 3-4 week cycles at your age(any age fir that matter) you're gonna have some issues.

Ugly truth - get your shit together man. Like Tbone said AAS are not magic and you are a long ways from being ready to cycle regardless of the fact you're too young. Trying to filter what I say here and not completely bash you but damn man you really need to worry about getting a good routine and diet down. "Skinny/fat beginner body type" key words... Fat & Beginner, NEITHER of these words should be associated with AAS when discussing your body.
Got to have an AI always. The high BP is do to water from the DBall. You should never been using steroids at your age. If your not quoting drop the dball and start at AI.
1. You already know by I have to say it.. You're too young.
2. Always run an AI, especially with higher BF
3. Of course you can build naturally. Get your shit together and diet.
4. What would've happened if you continued is probably a slough of sides with your stats.
5. Cut or bulk? Get in shape in general. You aren't training enough. Obviously you need to lose fat, but you also need some LMM which sounds like you don't have much. Eat clean, train harder, do cardio. Concerning with cut/bulk will come later once you have a foundation.
6. You probably have not stunted your growth IMO, but if you keep doing these 3-4 week cycles at your age(any age fir that matter) you're gonna have some issues.

Ugly truth - get your shit together man. Like Tbone said AAS are not magic and you are a long ways from being ready to cycle regardless of the fact you're too young. Trying to filter what I say here and not completely bash you but damn man you really need to worry about getting a good routine and diet down. "Skinny/fat beginner body type" key words... Fat & Beginner, NEITHER of these words should be associated with AAS when discussing your body.
Thanks for the reply. I don't plan to touch steroids before 25 now.
By the way, By "not training enough" you mean i am training with low-volume. I went on a 5 day split on cycle. I'm usually on a 3-4 day split when i'm natty. Could you suggest a good split to build solid foundation?
3 weeks of test cyp really ain't shit as far as gains go. It dont kick in till 4-6 weeks. Do your pct. Learn a diet and training routine and go from there. Moat likely u wouldn't of gained much but water on that cycle without a good diet and training... Shit ain't magic in a bottle...

Yeah you're right. I've gained mostly water. My arms and calves are 1 inch bigger. lol.
Thanks for the reply. I don't plan to touch steroids before 25 now.
By the way, By "not training enough" you mean i am training with low-volume. I went on a 5 day split on cycle. I'm usually on a 3-4 day split when i'm natty. Could you suggest a good split to build solid foundation?

Dude the internet is chalked full of great routines! Typing "Training program for beginner" in google search will get the ball rolling for you. Plus, its about figuring out what works for you both physically and mentally. I'm 24, been training since I was 16 and taking all this seriously for the last four years and only over the last couple am I just starting to scratch the surface of how my body works, what it responds to, etc.

With that in mind, as a beginner you can never go wrong with learning and doing big, heavy compound movements. Exercises like the squat, deadlift, bench press have withstood the test of time and will continue to do so. Look for a program that includes movements like that, get your diet in check, train like someone that belongs in an insane asylum and the gains will come.

Good luck!
3 weeks of test cyp really ain't shit as far as gains go. It dont kick in till 4-6 weeks. Do your pct. Learn a diet and training routine and go from there. Moat likely u wouldn't of gained much but water on that cycle without a good diet and training... Shit ain't magic in a bottle...

Wait... I thought steroids were like Scrubbing Bubbles. No?
Dude the internet is chalked full of great routines! Typing "Training program for beginner" in google search will get the ball rolling for you. Plus, its about figuring out what works for you both physically and mentally. I'm 24, been training since I was 16 and taking all this seriously for the last four years and only over the last couple am I just starting to scratch the surface of how my body works, what it responds to, etc.

With that in mind, as a beginner you can never go wrong with learning and doing big, heavy compound movements. Exercises like the squat, deadlift, bench press have withstood the test of time and will continue to do so. Look for a program that includes movements like that, get your diet in check, train like someone that belongs in an insane asylum and the gains will come.

Good luck!
I've understood your point. One question keeps striking me though. How many calories above/below maintainence?
1. You already know by I have to say it.. You're too young.
2. Always run an AI, especially with higher BF
3. Of course you can build naturally. Get your shit together and diet.
4. What would've happened if you continued is probably a slough of sides with your stats.
5. Cut or bulk? Get in shape in general. You aren't training enough. Obviously you need to lose fat, but you also need some LMM which sounds like you don't have much. Eat clean, train harder, do cardio. Concerning with cut/bulk will come later once you have a foundation.
6. You probably have not stunted your growth IMO, but if you keep doing these 3-4 week cycles at your age(any age fir that matter) you're gonna have some issues.

Ugly truth - get your shit together man. Like Tbone said AAS are not magic and you are a long ways from being ready to cycle regardless of the fact you're too young. Trying to filter what I say here and not completely bash you but damn man you really need to worry about getting a good routine and diet down. "Skinny/fat beginner body type" key words... Fat & Beginner, NEITHER of these words should be associated with AAS when discussing your body.

This ^^^^^^^^^
I've understood your point. One question keeps striking me though. How many calories above/below maintainence?

Again, something that can be found with a google search or looking through the threads on this board. A good starting point to build MAY be to go 500 calories above maintenance a day but then it could turn out that you are putting on too much fat so then you have to adjust. This goes back to getting to know your body.

I think you're looking for someone to give you a direct answer to the shortest route possible to your goal and thats just not the case man. Just like AAS are not magic, there is no magic routine or diet or supplement or anything. Its about hard work and putting in the time.

I'm not trying to be a dick cause when I was your age I wanted the same things. If you really want help with diet 3J is the guy everyone recommends around here. Check his threads/ads out.
If you took an AI you probably would have gotten less side effects. You are too young and inexperienced to be taking steroids. If you continue, it will come back to bite you in the ass. You won't have a clue on how to maintain your physique after your cycles and you will probably just end up blasting and cruising and still looking like shit like a lot of the idiots at my gym. Get a SOLID foundation of training, please get under at least 15% bodyfat, and wait until you are 25. Do your research on cycles etc while you build up your foundation. That's 7 years of preparation you will have before you start taking steroids again. Who knows, you might discover the physique you want was attainable without gear and you won't have to take it.
Honestly man at your age their are so many reasons to stay natural. You still have your testosterone and hgh levels at the highest they are ever going to be. So you might as well take advantage of that and go have fun work out and bang hot girls. Worry about steroids when you get older and your testosterone levels start to drop. I started taking different things at about 18 and my testosterone levels are a lot lower then they should be. Plus I have to live with stupid side effects and mistakes that ive made with steroids from lack of knowledge in the past. The older you are the better before you start steroids. Their are a lot of hidden expenses to like blood tests and good food and a million other things. Its hard to do it right unless you are older and have a decent amount of money.
What you should be doing is going to the training and diet sections of our website. There are some guys that only hang out in there and they are more than happy to help you. Do some research and ask fir help on what you don't understand. Most guys workout 5 and off 2 or 6-1.. Diet, training that's all you need to worry about
With regards to questions about your training split...

I dont know the policy of linking other forums for training regiemes so I wont but google;

-5x5 training for beginners
-All pro bodybuilding (look for part 5)
-Mark rippetoe starting strength writeup

All these regiemes will stack muscle and strength on you and are perfect to build a foundation with. I have always used one of 3 of these regiemes while training and always seen good results.
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No need to feel demotivated. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

The good news is you have much progress to make...progress that can be attained without steroids. right now you have two options
1) Get strong(and then cut after you have a nice base)
2) get lean(lose the fat now, but be skinny)

Either way I suggest you stick to a diet as that is the main thing. Set a calorie amount that you will stick by every day and then adjust that based on the progress that is transpiring while on your routine. Diet and progressive overload is everything.
Thanks alot for the replies guys i really appreciate your support. I plan to get big beforr i cut. I have a herniated disc and i had a shoulder subluxation in a car accident. I dont think i can do 5x5 or ripptoes because they involve bp, deds, shoulder press and squats and i cant do any of them. :(
Go to your doctor and get him to have a look at your injuries and see what they can do. I cant believe they would let you leave hosptial without setting up the proper care to get your injuries put right. (I had 4 weeks free physio to get my hand put right after I broke it here in the uk)

You need to be doing the heavy compound excersies to build a good solid core..squats, bench press, overheadpress, rows, deadlifts. I would advise getting those injuries sorted before you do training because what you can do is too limited and will hinder you gains.
I might get my shoulder fixed. It takes 6 months to fully recover from surgery. And about lower back, no... I dont think i can get that fixed. I have to avoid certain exercise because lower back surgery requires bed rest man..
Did your subluxation cause a tear in your shoulder? You should be able to at least use DBs for bench movements