18years old and Needs Advice on test/anvar/pct


New member
Hello my name is Tyson, im 18 years old and i need some advice.
im 5feet11
160 pounds
first some info about me then to the questions:

I have just been diagnosed with celiac disease and also i have lactose intollerance and now gluten intolerance.. I have come off a surgery (for my hernia) for about 6months now. After my surgery was done i was taking oxy which was presribed to me and some other pain killers. When i came off it, i had horrible withdrawals that i could not handle so i went out and go strong oxy's off the "street" which i got really into and addicted.. I'm a student and after all my hw and work is done i just want to hit up a rail oxy.. its all i think about. Its my hobby and taking over everything. My old hobby was working out and it was a lifestyle.

I have lowered my dosage and i'm slowly coming off this drug it so i can go back into working out. But the thing is i have lost all my motivation. I used to get most of my motivation from supplements when needed. But now that i have celiac disease which is gluten intollerance and lactose intollerance i can't take those good supplements. Although i found one supplement which is just natural protein which i will take as my post workout supplement.

I used to weigh 175pounds Now im at 150pounds. What i've been thinking is if i do roids that will give me the motivation to get back. If i get back into gyming for a week or two to get some muscle memory back. Then start a cycle of Test 300 then a cycle of anavar then take some sort of pct. And my goal is to get 25pounds which is what i used to weigh then get back into my natural bodybuilding. I absolutely have no motivation to start all over again.. I need something else to take my mind off oxy's and i think some juice will help to get me off and i think once im back to my regular weight i won't go back and thats for sure because i truly hate this life style that i feel trapped in.

I've done lots of research and taking Test seems really risky and scared me that if i do it coming off i will have trouble producing test.. So i might not take test. But Anavar seems pretty safe ive done one cycle 2 years ago and i got 15pounds in a month while taking anvar just one bottle and creatine and mutant mass. So if i were to take out test i would go 2 bottles of anavar then im not sure if i should take pct. I need lots of
Taking pharmaceuticals to replace pharmaceuticals is a bad idea.
Steroids are reserved for those with more experience and a better HEALTHY base...
Steroids will not get you off the shit...only you can do that.

Also, why the fuck did they give you oxys for a hernia repair? I've had 2 hernia repairs and I just got hydrocodone and didn't even finish the whole bottle...
The Doctor should have givin you symboxin or what not. What I recommend is that you quit cold turkey. Stay in bed the whole day, don't answer your phone, don't do nothing. Take melatonin though out the day as need for sleep. Maybe ambian. Don't leave your home till the addiction is gone. My friend did that. Without the sleep caps though.
Quitting opiates cold turkey is a no-no IMO, a taper would be much safer/easier/smarter.

I am curious to know how long you have kept the oxy habit up? Long-term opiates reduce test levels, however I don't think it is much concern in your situation.
i'm curious for how long hove you been training before your illness ?
my advise... get smarter...you are too young to take that sort of pharm. dont mess with hormons that eearly.
I too have struggled with opiates following a major surgery. Steroids are not the answer. What is your daily intake in mg? Taper down to 50 mg or less and just go through the withdrawal, dAys 1-4 will suck but after that you'll be on the other end. If you are unable to make it through withdrawal or you go back to opiates soon after, you have an addiction problem and not a physical dependency problem. If this is the case and you don't want to see your life go down the tubes real fast I recommend rehab and a 12 step fellowship. This drug will ruin your life make no doubt about it. Nip this in the bus, or lifting will be the least of your minds worries. I know too many smart good
People who lost everything to this, some even
Now on heroin because of the price differential. If you don't think this can happen to you, please stop by a few AA and NA meetings and listen to the stories.

Forget the roids. Get off the junk! Good luck.



bad member!!! bad!!!

no gear for you!!!

work on your addiction my friend.. train hard and eat well