I see in my old labs my
LH was a 1.7
My test was a 270 ng/dl
TSH was 1.010
FSH 3.0
These were prior to any shot, and jimstigator, I sleep enough and don't drink at all
Your low LH and FSH point to a diagnosis of secondary hypogonadism. Your pituitary gland isn't producing enough of the hormone responsible for producing adequate levels of testosterone. Did you have your prolactin measured on this set of labs by chance?
I have read that extreme dieting can lead to a decrease in LH and FSH, although I'm not well versed on that as a potential cause. Hopefully somebody else can offer some insight there.
Many of the guys here who had low LH/FSH were able to determine that theirs was caused by a pituitary adenoma, so a prolactin value would be good to know. An MRI of the pituitary gland is the logical next step in cases of elevated prolactin.
Give an HPTA restart a try. If it doesn't work, then go on TRT.
I want to try this but don't know where to begin or what to use. Should I go through a doctor or try this by myself? If I can get the stuff without a script. And Jim, I've been eating more for months without improvement I've been getting more than enough fats. The hardest part is I literally don't get hungry anymore. Could this be from low lh or low t? I mean I just don't feel the sensation of hunger anymore but still force myself to eat. Also, I cannot workout because I feel this weakness come on anytime I do anything physical. I guess I need to start with a restart but what should it consist and doses etc.
Give an HPTA restart a try. If it doesn't work, then go on TRT.
How should I go about doing a restart? Should I do it through a doctor? What does a normal restart consist of?
Any idea the cost?
Where do I get the number?