1st anavar cycle


New member
Hey I was wondering what would be a good 1st cycle of anavar for my girlfriend. What dose and length of a cycle is good for a first timer. I assume women do not need a post cycle therapy (pct). I know that I am a little ignorant of a womens need for cycling. Any help would be great.
Could you tell us a little more about your girlfriend? How long has she been training? Stats? Is her diet in check?
She is 5'3'' around 160lbs approx 33% bodyfat. She has been training for approx 3 years. She is wanting to get more serious into bodybuilding. Her diet is fairly decent. She does cheat too much on her diet then she should, but over all I would say its not bad. I don't track everything that she eats all day like I do myself. I don't know how many calories she is taking in. I know that she eats 4-6 meals a day. I don't know at what point a women should try steroids. I think its up to the person. I know that she wants to do it after seeing other women that use and are in much better shape with more muscle. I know she will do what she wants but I would rather help her make an informed decision on how to cycle anavar. I don't want her to just experiment. I want to be able to provide some help and advise on what she is doing. Obviously what I take is nothing close to what she can do since she is a women. So I am turning to the females juicers to help give her good advice on how a first anavar cycle should look.
think of it this way: would you do a cycle to get bigger if you were 33% bodyfat? that's only going to hurt her head more being bigger but not leaner BESIDES the fact that her diet isn't in check and she might not see the gains she should. AND i don't think women should try Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) until exhausting all other means.

i speak for all of us in saying that your gf needs to edumicate herself in proper diet and training... we can help with that if she will come on her and post up her exact diet and training for us to tweak.

I agree with Sparkly. I would concentrate on lowering her body fat first which can be done through diet and training. Will she come online to post on the board herself? Perhaps we could help her with her diet and training. Chelsea
She isn't really into the forums. She actually thinks I'm a little crazy for spending so much time on here. I just thought that I could help give her some advice. I will tell her she needs to work on her diet, and up the cardio. At what point should she look into messing with Anavar? She wanted to order some since I am going to be starting a cycle in a couple weeks.
she should look into Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) after she has exhausted all other sources like sparky stated or after she gets her bf% down to 15 or so %.
