1st Cycle Any Tips?? Excited!

Anabolic Rand

New member
22yrs old
18% BF
Training for 4 years

PreCycle ~1 week
Liv52, CycleAssist, MSM, Animal Flex (glucosamine etc.), 4000mg fish oil, multi, 50mg zinc, 1200mg green tea ex

Halo-25 by lgi 50/75/75/100/100
All the above precycle supplements

40/40/20/20 Tamoxifen (Nova)
0/0/1/1/1/1 Erase
All the above precycle supplements

Anything else I should pick up, especially post cycle therapy (pct)?
Please throw any particularly relevant advice my way and I'll get on some before/after pics!
Halo is a great first cycle, it's a mild compound and it's dry so you can either bulk or cut on it. If you're looking to bulk you could always pick up some creatine for post cycle therapy (pct), it'll help keep your gains. Other than that everything looks good just remember to eat and train hard my dude.
Nolva is an outdated breast cancer drug and it can be harsh on lipids and have many other unwanted side effects. Forma stanzol is a much safer option for pct and has many other benefits. Nolva will effectively block estrogen from binding to the estrogen receptor, but will do nothing to bring back LH and FSH. Halo is a great mild PH, but don't underestimate it's ability to shut you down. Youll want to bring back your natural hormones as quickly as possible to maintain gains. That's what clomid does. Ditch the nolva, pick up some clomid and forma stanzol for your pct. These will cover the basics but I would add some daa, creatine, and other support supps
Nolva is fine. Leave it at the higher dose too. Your going to need it in pct.

Go 100mg for 6wks man. It takes a lil while to really kick in and I'd hate to see u waste time on cycle.

Forma is good. I'd use it at 3/3 pumps am/pm the whole time on cycle and in pct.
I am just trying to get 50 posts so I can reply to a message I feel like an idiot just making posts really about nothing I have a cycle I wanna do that I have posted on a couple different threads someone told me to make a thread I am new to this site although have been following it for awhile I don't know how to make a thread tho
My first cycle, started with sustanon 350 so I can see how my body would react to the test Blend. So Far so good been 4 weeks, 350mg every four days. Now want to add DECA but Idk how to to it. I'm super new to everything, I'm 5"7" 200 and about 22% body fat I Deff need to loose weight so Idk if DECA is my best result. Someone please help
Diet, Diet, Diet! Make sure you've got that in line. I've wasted cycles because my diet wasn't in check. Keep up the intensity and the calories in PCT to help with keeping the gains!

Halo is fun. Good luck!
Diet, Diet, Diet! Make sure you've got that in line. I've wasted cycles because my diet wasn't in check. Keep up the intensity and the calories in PCT to help with keeping the gains!

Halo is fun. Good luck!

^ This.

You shouldn't need the taurine, Halo is a fairly mild prohormone compared to most. You might want to look into stacking it with 1-andro if you haven't already bought everything. Helps with lethargy, etc.
Your pct has hell of high nolva id do 20/20/10/5 and add clomid to bring your balls back sometimes adding a natural supp helps also id recommend stoked. Lower the nolva and add something for your lower boys. O and id run the clomid 100/50/50/25 I always start with 100 the first week you have to shock them boys back into action.