1st Cycle - Final Preparation - Test E/Test Prop


1st Cycle -Test E with Test Prop Kickstart

Hi all,

looks like I am going sooner than I thought. Mainly because I am not going to travel to China in October. My supplies (hardware) is being delivered as we speak - Thanks Direct Medical Supply for the fastest shipping ever.

Cycle Layout:

Week 1-10 Test E @ 500mg/week - 2 x 250mg
Week 10-12 Test Prop @ 525mg/week 3 x 175mg

Arimidex at .25 EOD
HCG - here I have a question - I have 20,000iu's. If I take 250 ED that will last me fro 80 days - short of my 12 week planned cycle. Any suggestions here? Should I do 250 EOD?

PCT: 6 weeks

Nolva @ 20/20/15/10/10 Clomid at 150 first two days then 100/100/75/50/50/25.
Also was thinking about using Formeron for Cortisol Control??

Before you ask - I received an extra Test Prop and since this is my first cycle I'd rather not start with it but will use it at the end of the cycle.

So my plan is pin 250mg tomorrow morning - Delt with 25g 1inch. Wish me luck. Will update periodically, but at the same time don't want to bore anyone on here.
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Well, it's done. First pin went great. Left Middle Delt. In like butter. Aspirated, no blood, slowly pushed down and in went 1ml of Pinnacle's Test E. Went to the gym right afterwards.

Maybe its in my head. But I felt and feel Alpha right away. Good shit.

Time to eat now. Will update.
For Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I ran 500iu sun/wed which was the day before my testosterone injections. A 5,000 iu vial gave 10 doses, which lasted 5 weeks. If you want to do 250iu ED I would wait until week 4 to start it and then continue it up until your post cycle therapy (pct) starts. It will do more good at the end of the cycle then it will at the beginning.
For Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I ran 500iu sun/wed which was the day before my testosterone injections. A 5,000 iu vial gave 10 doses, which lasted 5 weeks. If you want to do 250iu ED I would wait until week 4 to start it and then continue it up until your post cycle therapy (pct) starts. It will do more good at the end of the cycle then it will at the beginning.

Gotya. Then I will wait until week 4.
Shouldnt do 250iu ed for 8 weeks, no need for that and you are risking desensitization. Just keep it simple and run it 250ius twice a week for the duration of the cycle. If you have enough at the end you can do an Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast, eod, before you begin pct.
Im on a test prop only cycle, and im blasting the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500 iu twice a week just for the last 5 weeks of my cycle.
cool. so 250iu/twice a week. From what I've read in Anabolics 2006 and 11th edition is to start using it towards the end of your cycle. But bros around here keep using it throughout.. Startign around week 5 seems to be the logical middle ground.
So, listening to all you vets I decided instead of scheduled Test E pin today to start the Prop @ 125mg EOD (Maybe 150EOD?). Should be fun
Second Prop Pin today - Left Quad.

Again all went really well. Having read all the 'horror' stories about Prop PIP I was hesitant, but the difference vs. Enth is almost unnoticeable. Maybe its the quality gear?