1st cycle in 8 years


New member
Hi Everybody,

First off stats: 29 years old / 195bs / 10-12% bf

lifts: 295 Bench 1RM / 315 Squat 1RM

It has been since winter 2006, that I did my last cycle, which was an absolute disaster, deca and anavar no PCT. Really messed myself up for a long time, and only starting feeling "normal" over the last couple of years. Now I can finally screw myself up again. jk. But really having a hard time deciding on what to start back with. I teach nutrition at the post secondary level so have my diet down to a tee, and train hard and often. The below are the cycles I am considering, with my thought process.

1. Test En 500mg 1-10 weeks with tren en 250mg weeks 1-8, reason for 1-8 is I have read numerous locations that I should not end with tren same time as test at it makes recovery really difficult

2. Just Test En 500mg 1-10 weeks, considering this because I feel like a newbie again and may want to just ease into things

3. Test En 500mg with Eq 300mg both for 10 weeks

Also with such low doses is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a must, again I keep reading conflicting stories. I was planning on just grabbing clomid, but am open and asking for advice. thanks
Optiion number 2. You have been "clean" for a long time and you are "fresh" treat your body accordingly there is no need to overload your system and 500 mgs/week will be a great start. I would extend it to 12 weeks as enanthate takes 4-5 weeks to kick in.

Week 1 - 12: Test En 500 mgs/week - split in 2 shots
week 1 - 12: .25 mgs arimidex or 12.5mgs aromasin EOD

PCT 2 weeks after last shot nolva + clomid 40/40/20/20 + 50/50/50/50

As far as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) goes its a personal preference and not something that is necessary
Agree with everything Kaz said, only I might push it a bit more, maybe 600 per week and maybe even a little longer then 12 weeks, but that's up to you. I do think Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) helps you recover faster once you start PCT, so I would recommend it, but like Kaz said, it's not necessary. I like to run it on cycle, 250iu 2X per week, pinned on the same days as test. You'll want your last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin to be 3-4 days before you start post cycle therapy (pct). If you have enough, start at week 2, but if you only have 1 5000iu vial, count backwards to figure out when to start. The timing of the last pin is more important than when you start.
Thanks for you input guys, thats what I was hoping to hear. Was a little concerned with my first one back. I am still unsure on what to do about HCG, considering issues I had before I might give it a go.