1st Cycle Log: Helladrol / Halodrol / HDrol


New member
Welcome to my 1st cycle log. :blue:
I decided to run Helladrol for a bulk cycle.
In this log I'll share my experience and give you a detailed low down on why I run what I run.
Hope this helps someone. At the very least it will help me be thorough and have one spot for all my data.

Starting stats:
Age - 29
Height - 5' 9"
Weight - 198.4 lbs
Body Fat - 28 %

My goals:
Gain 20 lbs
Don't gain any fat

My cycle:
1-6 Helladrol - 75 / 75 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 (3*7 *2 + 4*7 *4) = 154 pills
1-6 N2 guard - 7 pills at night (294 pills)
1-6 5g Taurine (42 servings)

1-9 Forged Joint Repair - 2 pills (126 pills)
1-10 Creatine - 1 serving (70 servings) // On Hold
1-12 NAC - 2 pills daily (168 pills)

1-10 Forma Stanzol - 6 - 10 pumps a day = 420 - 700 pumps
7-10 Forged Post Cycle - 4 a day = 112 pills
7-10 Test Infusion - 6 a day (126 pills)
7-12 Premium Powders DAA - 1 serving (42 servings)

My shopping list:
N2guard - 2 bottles - 420 pills
Forged Joint Repair - 2 bottles - 120 pills
Helladrol - 1 bottle - 180 pills
Taurine (400g) - 2 bottle - 160 servings @ 5 g
Creatine (400g) - 1 bottle - 80 servings @ 5 g
Test Infusion - 1 bottle - 180 pills
Forma Stanzol - 1 bottle - 600 pumps
Premium Powders DAA Powder - 1 bottle - 90 servings 3g
Forged Post Cycle - 2 bottles - 150 pills
NAC - 2 bottles - 240 pills

All in all, a 530$ investment.
Add to that 3Js fee and a ton of food ;)
Not a cheap date, but gotta pay to play.

My diet:
Coached by 3J. One less thing to worry about.
His diet is amazingly flexible.
Right now I'm at about 3500 cals a day. We'll see if and how that changes in the coming weeks.

My workout:
Also 3J's doing.
Reverse pyramid training (never tried that before).

Mon - Rest
Tue - Chest
Wed - Back
Thu - Shoulders
Fri - Legs
Sat - Arms
Sun - Rest

Why an oral only cycle:
Yes, i have read all the stickies, yes I know it's frowned upon around here, but I've done my research.
First and foremost: It's legal. Can't beat that.
Second: I'm too fat to safely pin test.

Why Halodrol:
Documented little to no sides. I found these claims in many articles online, as well as in the logs of fellow forum members.
Documented lean gains. Halodrol may not make the biggest gains, but the ones you get are lean, with little to no bloat and supposedly keepable. Again, I read this many, many times.
Forum members on here have reported 20+ lbs gains for 6 week cycles. Way milder dosed 4 week cycles have documented 10 lbs and more.

Why Helladrol:
Out of all the Halodrol supplemets I found, Helladrol had the best price per gram. Simple math.

Below are some of the things I found while looking around online. Please don't ask me where exactly, as I have probably read 200 articles / threads etc. before I decided on this cycle.
Some of this was taken from my posts in other threads.
Just thought I'd compile it all into one post.

4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3-17b-diol (Halovar)
A clone of Halodrol (4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3b,17b-diol)

Halodrol is a 17aa steroid that converts to the steroid oral Turinabol after interaction with 3b-HSD at an estimated rate of about 5%. Because of this low conversion, doses must be higher than other 17aa pro-steroids. However, it is suspected that Halodrol has decent potency without conversion as good results are seen despite the relatively low conversion to Turinabol. Halodrol appears to be about as potent as testosterone, and significantly less androgenic.

Because of the 4-chloro group, halodrol has no progestational effects, it cannot interact with the aromatase enzyme, and it produces inactive 4-chloro-DHT metabolites. This makes androgenic side-effects such as hair loss, high blood pressure, acne and prostate enlargement less likely.

The lack of androgenic potency might be expected to create problems with gyno, however the low SHBG binding affinity has minimal interference with SHBG levels and/or freely circuiting estrogen and testosterone. It does not appear that halodrol has a significant gyno risk.

Because halodrol must be used at such a high dose to see noticeable effects, liver toxicity may become an issue. Therefore it is recommended to use a liver protecting supplement before and during halodrol cycles.

Gains from Halodrol generally take a few weeks to notice, but users can expect solid increases in strength, lean muscle mass, improved vascularity and minimal water retention. This allows some of the gains to be kept after the cycle if good diet and training are continued. Quick dramatic gains in size and strength are not generally noticed with Halodrol.

H-Drol is one of the most popular and proven compounds on the market and is considered good for beginners due to it's reputation for minimal side effects and dry gains that are relatively easy to maintain after the cycle is complete.

These guys are selling Helladrol (H-Drol) under a different name.
Price is obnoxious, but what's intersting, is that they make no mention of PCT and suggest a 8week on 4 week off cycle?!?


Read a fascinating article here:

Also, what Barnzy7 reported falls in line with almost all Halodrol / h-Drol / Helladrol / Turinabol articles I found.
Results start kicking in after week 3. I must have read 30 articles about this stuff and they pretty much all state something along the lines of a 10-20 lbs gain.
Also, it's low risk for gyno and almost no water retention.
So yeah, other stuff might gain more, but this is supposed to make LEAN gain, meaning it actually sicks around.

One actual user write up I found, stated the guy gained 10 lbs, and after everything was said and done kept 8.
That's 80% retention.

All sources agree that sides are minimal, back pumps can be combated with Taurine...
Looks like a winner to me.
This isn't a pro-hormone. It's a pro-steroid. The Germans won the olympics on this stuff. How bad can it be? lol
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Finally! you can drop the nac during cycle if you want, n2guard has nac in it..just food for thought
NAC all the way is 3Js recommendation, so it'll stay ;)
What are 20 bucks in light of things? haha

Day 1

I feel phenomenal, but that can't be because of the supps I don't think... Most likely just euphoria due to finally getting started.

First day, first change.
The master advised me to drop Creatine. Done.

Workout today was the bomb. Never done reverse pyramid stuff before.
So for some of the rep counts I need, I have not the slightest clue as to what weight to use.
Learning process. For what it's worth, 3Js routine has me in the gym half the time in one session, but I leave twice as pooped.
Must be something to this... Can't wait for Saturday! First arm-day with his routine and I have a feeling I'll FINALLY have the sore biceps I always dreamed of. Haha

The Forma is awesome too. Can't speak to it's effects yet (d'uh) but even though it looks like hair gel, your skin chows it down like popcorn.
Apply it - woosh - shit's gone.

In all honesty, I knew I'd have the willpower to do the lifting, I was scared of the new nutrition plan, as 3500 cals sound like a LOT to me.
Quite surprised by how easy it all goes down. Hope it stays like that!!!
I have a spreadsheet (well, many, not one) dedicated to just my supps and food intake.
Think I found a nice balance where I have enough time between meals.

What else? Oh yeah, water intake!
My supp / meal plan has 8 "events". I down 500 cc of H2O with each of them and drink herbal tea in between.
Pee rivals spring water, so let's hope it stays that way.

That's it for now. I'm thinking after week one I'll post my mass tracking graph for the first time. Not a whole lot to see there now. Just 2 weeks off and 1 day "on"...
Couple things, any reasoning behind dropping creatine? Just curious. Don't be afraid to be THAT GUY that has a gallon of water at all times. I don't carry it around but its always in the truck or job site. 3500 will feel like you're not even eating after week 3..you'll be craving food all day.

Glad to see you got this started! &
Well, don't know about you, but Creatine always "speeds up" my bowels...
I was concerned that it may have a negative effect on nutrient absorption, asked the boss, response was - drop it.

Fuck, the "I lift things up and put them down" dude is my idol.
I'm a native German speaker after all. haha

I work a desk job though, so no need for the jug.
Just keep refilling the bottles. Easier to keep track of it that way.

Yeah, you have no idea how glad I am! ;)
Day 2

So far so good.
Workout today was intense. Muscle pumps were awesome. Equal to or perhaps even better (earlier into the workout) than with nanox9.
Not sure how soon you are supposed to feel something, but it's hard to believe that I am just imagining this...

Food throughout the day works out fine, the last meal of the day is a bit of a struggle though.
Just because there isn't a lot of time between my post wo meal and the last meal of the day.
May have to push meal 6 out to just before bedtime. We'll see.

On another note, chalk does work awesome for deads! Holy crap. Didn't think it would make that much a difference, but I was able to hold on :)
Tried leather gauntlets with steel hooks before (yeah, looks as SM as it sounds...), regular gloves etc but this might even be better than straps, as it doesn't hurt your wrists at all.

Tomorrow is Shoulder Day. Never had a dedicated deltoid torture day, so we'll see what that does...
It's gonna hurt is just a wild guess. haha
And it begins! Straps always hurt my wrists, chalk obviously doesnt. Glad it helped. Im so glad you have 3J helping out, I have a great feeling about this cycle man
I will be following as well! Im 2 days into PCT and its worth it! Good luck with the lifting and stick to your diet! B and I will be your positive feedback forum, we've both been there. About 3 weeks through I nearly stopped because of the back pumps. I recommend 15-20g a day of taurine. Also, 100/100/100/100/125/125...do it. Those 75mg weeks will be a waste, just do 100 and get those gains a little faster! It also uses every pill in the bottle, can't JUST be a coincidence!
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Yeah, I'll stick with the dosage for now.
Most studies recommend running 75 mg all the way through, so I'm already up from that.
We'll see. This is just the first cycle this year ;)
Day 3

Awesome shoulder workout. Felt phenomenal.
Not sure if it's due to the cycle, but pumps keep being intense. Hope it stays like this or perhaps gets even a little better.
Love it.
0 sides so far. Have a mild head ache, but I think that's got more to do with being stuck in a tiny office with 3 sneezing Mexicans...
Keeping a cold in check with Zicam. Last thing I would need right now...

Interesting observation today:
My trainings partner and I are almost equal on all our lifts.
Today though (shoulder day is new for both of us) I pretty much destroyed him.
Again, with so many variables changing at once it's impossible to tell if this means anything, but I figured I'd mention it for what it's worth.
Today's workout was also the first thus far, that felt "too short". As if I could go for another 2 or 3 exercises. Might be due to shoulder day's mild nature...
Tomorrow is leg day. So I might be too pooped to update the log ;)
Day 4

Legs. O. M. G.
Pump like never before. I am dead serious. After squats and extensions I could literally not walk like a normal person.
As soon as my knees flexed to the point where my quads had to support me, I looked like freakin Bambi. AWESOME!
A few excruciating sets of curls later I was able to walk again. Not like a 29 year old, but like a 70 year old at least.

This morning my scale showed the first weight gain. 0.7 lbs. Doesn't mean anything, but hey, rather up than down.

No sides. No back pumps.
If things look this good Monday, I'll up to 100 mgs starting week 2 instead of 3.
Will up the stanzol as well. Currently at 3 pumps, going to 6.
So far I am loving this. And it's not even supposed to get good until week 3.
Pumps will rock your world, give it a week or 2..youll be crawling around like a baby haha
Can't freakin wait! Love me some pumps :)
It's just mind-blowing to me, HOW much more this stuff does regarding pumps than all the nitric oxide boosters... Night and day.

Day 5
Hit arms hard this morning.
Weight is up another touch as well.
Need sleep like a baby! Didn't set an alarm and slept a whoopin 10.5 hours!!! I usually get up after 7 or 8...

No sides. At least not something you'd expect. I have noticed some dermatitis on my hands, which is odd.
I get it from time to time, but usually, I know exactly when. When I eat artificially colored candy garbage, which I haven't touched since x-mas.
Granted, it's winter and my hands are like sand paper, but still. Will nuke it with hydro cortisol creme and should be gone in a day or two.
If it's not, I'll make a note about it.

Grocery shopping is so easy now, I love it.
Veggies, 13 lbs chicken, some carbs, done. haha

Alright, gotta start pre cooking for next week.
Cal intake unchanged - 3500.

As I stated, will up to 100 mgs next week and up the Stanzol.

Next two days are off. Not sure if there's a point in updating the log... We'll see how bored I am ;)
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Oh noob I forget to tell you, chalk will dry your hands out like no other...my hands are disgusting if I dont use cream after chalk days. Any small increases in strength yet?
Now that you mention it, it sounds like a d'uh. lol
Didn't think of that.

Hard to tell to be honest.
My workout is completely different than what I used to do the last couple months, so lifts aren't really comparable.
But I sure feel like I'm stronger. Will know next week.
Same routine, same weights etc.
Wait til the confidence starts going up, theres nothing like putting more weight on and knowing and feeling confident you can throw it around. Youll feel like a god
Currently I feel like a chef. LOL
2 hours and counting... 13 ish lbs of chicken don't cook themselves ;)

How great is it to have meals ready for the week tho, sucks at the time but everythings already done
It's the way to go for sure. Lot of work non the less...

Day 6

Weight is up some more. Will post my graphs once the first week is over.

Feel great, no sides.

Today was my off-day. Went golfing. Played and walked 21 holes...
I'm freakin whooped. Worried about burning too many cals on the course, so I took my post WO meal, even though I wasn't working out.
Wanted to play it safe.

Will watch some TV now and hit the sack early.

Can't wait for Tuesday. :D
Day 7

First week almost over.
Ran the numbers on my weight gains and it's looking pretty grim.
I'm getting bigger alright, but it's all fat. LOL
I am aware that Hella doesn't do much until week 3, but the anticipation is killing me.

No sides. Feeling ok. Not great right now, because I am exhausted.
Last night was horrible. Not sure why, perhaps because I went to bed with a stuffed gut, but I didn't sleep well at all.
Had nightmares, woke up all the time. Just didn't feel relaxed this morning when the alarm went off.
Hope this isn't going to become a regular thing...

Starting tomorrow I will up Hella to 100 and forma to 6 pumps.

Tomorrow is Chest day. Yeehaw!