1st Cycle Log: Helladrol / Halodrol / HDrol

I can definitely understand how folks can get hooked on AAS.
Being natty sucks balls. LOL

Day 66 - PCT 24

Amazingly intense WO. Was on my own, so the whole thing went quick and with almost no rest.
Just driving the car home hurt like hell!

Day 67 - PCT 25

Real nice WO.
My squat weights and reps haven't improved in a while, but my form is getting better every week.
I was one of those guys that wasn't flexible enough to go below parallel. Those days are gone. Awesome

Also - The wife is back. Hence the backlog of updates. Was busy with loads of cardio LMAO.
Her reaction to my progress was better than I dared to hope. I see myself in the mirror 3 times a day, so I have gotten used to my gains.
She has seen them the first time - ever. Her funniest comment was: "You look like one of those lego figures that someone changed the upper body on. You don't even look like the same guy."
LMAO - Felt good though, not gonna lie.
These next coming weeks can't go by fast enough. Wanna get on a cycle again as soon as I can.

Day 68 - PCT 26

Rest (Instead of Arms)
Changed off day around to do more cardio :P
haha thats awesome man! you dont need praise, but theres nothing better than getting comments like that, especially when its from a significant other.....no you have a standard to live up to LOL if you slack off she'll be pissed
sounds like the PCT has been going well , good to see you are still making gains thats what this game is all about!
haha thats awesome man! you dont need praise, but theres nothing better than getting comments like that, especially when its from a significant other.....no you have a standard to live up to LOL if you slack off she'll be pissed

It's funny really. She's most impressed with how much fat I lost. I told her, that up next is a cutting cycle and she can expect more of that.
According to her, I am big enough already and should just work on getting and staying lean.
Yeah... No. Don't get me wrong, I need to lean out a lot still, but I definitely will bulk again, as soon as my abs are back.

sounds like the PCT has been going well , good to see you are still making gains thats what this game is all about!

Can't complain. Now that the wife is back I can say for sure that there is no lack of performance in the sack. haha
So as far as I am concerned, I'm recovered ;)

Day 69 - PCT 27

Great WO, felt awesome. Unfortunately it was the first time I worked out late on a Sunday, so I didn't know they close at 8...
Only got my Biceps done, had to leave after the first set of Tri work.
Oh well.

Hammer curls are maxed out for this gym now. I am out of weights for my 4 rep set.
I can do 6 reps with the 70s, which are the biggest DBs in my god damn gym.
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Day 70 - PCT 28


This is it. Done with a 6 week Halo cycle and 4 weeks of herbal PCT.
My balls are back, I am energetic and I am making (slow) gains in the gym.
Not being able to have bloodwork done, I have to guess - but I am fairly sure I have recovered.
My mass chart doesn't reflect it (I know that) but I improved my physique a lot on this cycle.

I went into this, wanting to bulk, but my body had other plans. Ended up doing a really satisfying recomp cycle.
Even though I was eating 4300 (clean) cals, I was dropping weight.
But keep in mind, that I started out at 28% BF! So there's a lot of excess pork available for shedding.
I ordered skin calipers the other day and plan to not only keep accurate track of my weight, but also my BF levels from here on out.
I KNOW I leaned out a lot this cycle, but I want to prove it to myself, before I post any numbers.
My waist shrunk down an inch, so did my gut. On a 4300 cal cycle!
In the gym things were amazing and even though I got injured, my strength went way up and has stayed up on the low rep sets.
Just my endurance for the high rep sets has suffered since quitting Halo.

Would I run it again? Hell yeah - I will - for sure.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely. Just know that it doesn't kick in quick and that the gains come in slowly but surely.
Again, I have only gained minimal weight, but I have gained significant visible mass.
My wife was shocked to see me after the cycle (she was gone for the whole thing). It's not like I have just gained 3 lbs and that's it, there's more to the story, believe me.
I'll post here again once I have my calipers... That should back up my visual estimates I think.
I would not be surprised if in the end I have gained and KEPT 10 lbs of lean mass, but we'll see soon.

Right now I am planning cycle 2.
I will go natty for 4 weeks and then start SARMs, after 6 weeks of that I will add PHs.
That way I don't have to stay natty for the whole 10 weeks of liver recovery and can already get things going before hopping on PHs again.

I plan on starting a separate log for the 2nd cycle, even more detailed than the first, but I am contemplating putting it in the "Steroid Alternatives" forum, as there just seems to be almost no traffic, way down here on the bottom of the forum. LOL

Over and out.
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Good run my man and what exactly did you get for the 2nd cycle, did you put up a new thread . I think putting it on the alternative forum will give you much more traffic , to be honest i didn't even know this part existed until you asked me way back when if i was going to post on here lol. Good shit though man I'm glad you are satisfied and looking forward to seeing the next cycles results.
Thanks. Yeah, srolling down 3 laptop screens worth of subforums isn't everyone's thing. LOL

I'll post a thread up in the alternate section soon.
Everything is ordered. Gonna be another legal-to-own oral only cycle.
This time I'm going into it with a cut / recomp mindset though, so things should work out even better.
Well, it's too early to post my second cycle log, so might as well put this here...
This is what I will end up running:
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No reason to be jealous, you know where to order the stuff!!! haha
Yeah, stretching my cycle to a full 12 weeks was the main reason for adding SARMs.
It only took one PH cycle to make me realize I hate being "off".
Lifting natty sucks balls, I want my power back :P
Ok, yesterday's WO officially sucked balls.
Fucking terrible.
I actually had to take plates off to reach my reps.
My god, these next 3 weeks can't go by fast enough.
I have merely tipped my toes into the lake of Gear possibilities, but man, being natty sucks so hard it's not even funny.
LOL, don't I wish...

You know what will make me feel better?
Popping all the pills I picked up today. haha


Final numbers are in.

I went from

198 @ 28 BF = 142.5 LBM


201 @ 21 BF = 159 LBM

That's a whoopin' 16.5 lbs of lean gains. AFTER PCT.

To be fair, the first BF number was a photo estimate from 3J, the 2nd a 4 point skin fold measurement.
Either way, just goes to show you, that a scale by itself, or even a scale and a tape just aren't cutting it to evaluate success or failure in this game.
The mirror was telling me all along that I was moving in the right direction.
Fuck, even if both BF numbers are off, I am absolutely certain, that I put on 8+ lbs of muscle while losing a shitload of BF.
Winning :)
Thanks man.
Can't wait for the next one to start. Now more than ever. :)

Got all my supps lined up.
My kitchen cabinet looks like a pharmacy.
I love what 6 weeks of Halo allowed me to do.
Now imagine combining that with 6 more weeks of Sarms and Trenavar.
I have a good feeling about this for sure.