Not feeling lethargic really, I think it was just getting sand blasted and sun burnt in combination with a 6 hour hike that did me in. LOL
Day 8
A week ago I started this ride at 75 mg and 3 pumps.
No sides, so time to up it to 100 mg and 6 pumps.
Below please find my mass tracking sheet.
Few things to note here:
Blue - weight in kg
Red - linear projection of 20 lbs gains
Green - fat mass in kg
Purple - lean mass in kg
Cyan - lean mass projection
I do realize that Hella isn't doing much until week 3, so gains won't be linear, but hey, gotta start somewhere

Starting weight was 198.4 lbs now at 200 lbs. No real difference there, but looking at the bright side, I have hardly packed on any fat so far.
We'll see what the next couple weeks bring.
Also, the numbers on the x axis don't correlate to cycle days, as I started logging my weight 2 weeks prior to starting, to get a good feel for my baseline and normal fluctuations.
So look at the starting points of the projections for the start of the actual cycle.