1st Cycle-Log


New member
Hello, long time lurker here. I remember browsing this forum a long time ago because I thought I was ready to run a cycle, and after further reading, I decided to take more time to tighten up my diet and step up my workout program before beginning. So after extra 2 years of tightening it up a bit, I have finally decided to run my first cycle.

Little about me. Ive always been small. About 3 years ago I competed at 135lbs in a Judo tournament and realized at 27 years old, I needed to stop lifting for sport, and start lifting to get big. So I began literally devoting my life to lifting. Fortunatelt for me my job has 4 other guys who are serious lifters there, so we take 2 hours out each day to get to the gym, warm up, lift, cardio, cool down,etc. I almost get paid to lift IMO.

So in 3 years I went from 135lbs to 165lbs. Gained very little fat, doubled all of my lifts, etc. My diet is solid. Only lean meats, fish, turkey, chicken, etc. No pops, sweets, cakes, fried foods.

I lift 5 days a week, rest on weekends. Basic workout week is:

After getting to 165lbs, I seemed to plateau pretty bad. 2 of my coworkers were given Test-C from their doctors for having low test results.
I went and got tested and was a 425, not low enough for prescribed gear, but one of my coworkers injured himself and has given me his gear. Hard to pass when I can get it from CVS for $10.

So 3 weeks ago I weighed in at 165lbs. Started 200mg once a week. Did this for 3 weeks just to get myself going. This week(being week #3) I will go to 400mg. Did a stick on tuesday and will do another tomorrow(friday)

Weighed in today at 170lbs, assuming a good chunk is water weight, but happy to be there. Have Nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct). Admittedly have a fear of gyno so I find myself checking for growth/lumps every evening. Trying to chill on that. But do have something if it were to pop up.

I assume there are some things that you guys may recommend I do differently, or am doing right. Appreciate any and all feedback. I have no interest in stacking a ton of shit down the road or anything like that. Will just do a 12 week cycle, maybe twice a year since I can get clean, good gear. Just want to get some nice steady gains.

Ill be updating this often. Thanks!
Ive been doing my injections in my thigh(side of) and have been switching legs every week, but now Im doing 2 injections a week, which means each side gets hit. It doesnt hurt to do each leg once a week, so would you guys recommend it as long as I dont get too sore? Or would it be better to switch from thigh to shoulder, etc? Its very quick, mostly painless and easy to do thigh, so Id like to continue on if possible.

First week of doing 2 injections was today. Did my second stick today and have found if I do legs the same day I stick, Im not as sore the next day. Could all be mental, but its working.
Started week #4, week #2 going 2 times a week at 200mg each time. Finding my strength slightly increasing, hit new PR on the incline bench. Weight is still the same as last week, stepping up my protein/calorie intake to see if that helps. Was doing egg whites and diced turkey for breakfast, subbed out diced turkey for turkey chops and got an increase of 20g in the AM.

Getting pretty damn good at shooting in my thigh now. Quickest and painless shoot today. Hoping my calore/protein increase and as I head into 5th week of cycle, that gains become more noticeable.
Just finished week #6. 4 weeks of 400mg. Had to adjust my diet as I was holding that 170 for a few weeks, which is great for me had I not been doing any gear, but since I am, I am looking for gains, not a new PR on maintenance.

Stepped my diet up and have been increasing nicely each week now. Smashed PR on decline bench earlier this week. Would get 2 reps unassisted of 225, now hit 6 unassisted, 2 spotted, all in a matter of 3 weeks.

No negative side effects aside from some small ball shrinking. Cyp has done nothing but great things for me. Finished my bottle and got another US pharmacy bottle from CVS, looking to go hard the last 6 weeks. Some of my coworkers were trying to get me to stack masteron with it, but I was sketchy on the source they use for it, so Ill wait til I find something better. 172lbs, hoping to hit 180+ by the time I finish!
Hey man, happy you're making some gains. You do have a post cycle therapy (pct) lined up, correct?
Yes I do. I got that prior to taking my first stick, mainly due to my earlier fears of side effects, but knew I needed it regardless so I could try and hold as much as my gains as possible.

Thanks for the feedback!
Finally got a chance to take a few shots of the vials.

Pic #1:
Just finished this bottle.

Pic #2:
Starting tomorrow.

For some reason I cannot embed these pics. If anyone is able to do them for me, thatd be appreciated.
Long delay on a new writeup.

Weighed in today at 174.5, up almost 10lbs since I started 8 weeks ago. Crazy being this big, because for years I couldnt fathom getting to 160, let alone going above and beyond.

For a bit I seemed to be stuck at 170, so about 2-3 weeks ago, I started adding to my diet and saw increases in gains. I have 4 more weeks to go, and would love to tip the 180 mark. Been feeling slightly water bloated, so I know a nice part of these gains are water. But my lifts continue to increase which has made me quite happy.

Went and did another bodpod test last week. Last one I did was in May. Since then I have gained 13lbs and only added 1% more bodyfat. I was pleased with those numbers as well as my diet, while being full of food, is crazy clean and couldnt be any more strict.

Thats the update for now. Will do another writeup in a few weeks.
Nothing like some good HG gear, I would love to have such amazing friends lol. But you should have no problem making it to 180lbs, keep eating your butt off, and lifting big. Hell you have enough time to make it to 190!
Man, 190 would be a dream come true! Im going to work my ass off to get there, thats for sure.
Yea, having 2 guys in office who get their shit from their doctor has been great. One guy hooked me up with a 10ml vial, then called them and said he lost it while moving. They retested him to make sure he wasnt lying, his test came back low as usual, so they gave him another vial. Crazy shit, but no complaints here, will finish out my cycle with good quality gear! Thanks for the feedback.