1st Cycle on the Beast... need advice please!


New member
i have been reading and reading about this Beastdrol/SD the point that i got more side effects just reading about it than actually being on it :D ... shit, i need Cornea support more than i need liver support at this point.

1st cycle ever, considering Beastdrol (10/10/20/20) and AndroHard (starting week 2 for 4 weeks)

stats: 31 yrs old, 179lbs, 5'7, lifting for past 12 yrs, BF%11-13

supps along cycle: N2guard, HCGenerate, unleashed, forma-stanzol, Bridge, RS-Transaderm, and Tamoxifen Citrate.

diet is clean (40/40/20) close to 4000 cal. sleep is good as well.

please critique, advice, negative, positive, it's all good, just hit me with it... even if you are going to tell me to drop all that and start with an EPI strong cycle, Heladrol, or even Test E, that's fine.. i probably would wanna hang myself, but that's ok.

I also have a bottle of AndroMass and a bottle of AndroHard that i bought a couple of months ago, yet when i came across the Beastdrol results, i couldn't resist but to really consider it.

Thank you very much
Might get more advice in the PH forum. Although I will tell you, PH's seem to mess ppl up more then gear. I've seen countless threads of ppl that of ran ph cycles that never recovered, lost their gains, and got gyno. You might wanna consider a test only cycle. Just my 2 cents
Might get more advice in the PH forum. Although I will tell you, PH's seem to mess ppl up more then gear. I've seen countless threads of ppl that of ran ph cycles that never recovered, lost their gains, and got gyno. You might wanna consider a test only cycle. Just my 2 cents
that's what has been driving me crazy.. there is so much conflicting info out there, from experts as well, that makes me wanna stick a screwdriver into my eye sockets.

Yet i will admit that the thought of injecting needles makes me stir away from gear and look into oral PHs even though injection seems to be much safer. I guess i have some psychological maturing to go thru.
Bro I thought that when I first started my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but after the first pin I realized that it was all in my head, I didn't even really feel it. Shit now i get all happy and shit on shot days. You can do it bro just have to nut up and go for it, I will say its a lot easier if your girl/wife helps out I hardly notice it when my wife does them..
Bro I thought that when I first started my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but after the first pin I realized that it was all in my head, I didn't even really feel it. Shit now i get all happy and shit on shot days. You can do it bro just have to nut up and go for it, I will say its a lot easier if your girl/wife helps out I hardly notice it when my wife does them..

see, that's the mentality i have to be in to take things to the next level.

I have done every exercise out there, had to clean up my diet (and re-clean it when i even thought it was perfect), and did gain solid pounds naturally.

Now things have to be taken up a notch.
1st Beast Cycle.... please advice

i have been reading and reading about this Beastdrol/SD the point that i got more side effects just reading about it than actually being on it ... shit, i need Cornea support more than i need liver support at this point.

1st cycle ever, considering Beastdrol (10/10/20/20) and AndroHard (starting week 2 for 4 weeks)

stats: 31 yrs old, 179lbs, 5'7, lifting for past 12 yrs, BF%11-13

supps along cycle: N2guard, HCGenerate, unleashed, forma-stanzol, Bridge, RS-Transaderm, and Tamoxifen Citrate.

diet is clean (40/40/20) close to 4000 cal. sleep is good as well.

please critique, advice, negative, positive, it's all good, just hit me with it... even if you are going to tell me to drop all that and start with an EPI strong cycle, Heladrol, or even test E, that's fine.. i probably would wanna hang myself, but that's ok.

I also have a bottle of AndroMass and a bottle of AndroHard that i bought a couple of months ago, yet when i came across the Beastdrol results, i couldn't resist but to really consider it.

Thank you very much
Man I'm no expert by far that's why I'm here but I honestly think that it was hdrol that fucked me up and now I have no choice but to pin... but I was young and that's what I had so that's what I did but by far test is king in my book, I would look at those ph's really hard if I were you bro.
IMO i would mess with prohormones,i would just start out with a test cycle,prohormones tend to mess you up and your pct is ruthless,ive had several friends that have done them and it took them for ever to recover,it fucked them up for a long time
Honestly speaking you'd make much more gains over just Test E alone....

Not telling you to do anything, nor suggesting against what you already have in mind but facts are facts...

Either way first cycle of anything you can expirence fair gains on your cycle put together there, for optimum gains as long as you do not fear pinning you can gain even more.

Best of luck either way.
i have been reading and reading about this Beastdrol/SD the point that i got more side effects just reading about it than actually being on it :D ... shit, i need Cornea support more than i need liver support at this point.

1st cycle ever, considering Beastdrol (10/10/20/20) and AndroHard (starting week 2 for 4 weeks)

stats: 31 yrs old, 179lbs, 5'7, lifting for past 12 yrs, BF%11-13

supps along cycle: N2guard, HCGenerate, unleashed, forma-stanzol, Bridge, RS-Transaderm, and Tamoxifen Citrate.

diet is clean (40/40/20) close to 4000 cal. sleep is good as well.

please critique, advice, negative, positive, it's all good, just hit me with it... even if you are going to tell me to drop all that and start with an EPI strong cycle, Heladrol, or even Test E, that's fine.. i probably would wanna hang myself, but that's ok.

I also have a bottle of AndroMass and a bottle of AndroHard that i bought a couple of months ago, yet when i came across the Beastdrol results, i couldn't resist but to really consider it.

Thank you very much

Run, as fast as you can! Run away
Romeo, I made the mistake of running a PH cycle prior to a test cycle. Shit never really hit the fan, mind you. I ran Dymethazine at 30mg a day for 6 weeks. Recovered fine. Gains were decent, and I managed to keep most of them.

The thing is, once you do a test cycle, you realize why everyone is encouraging you to go with test first. You never feel like shit. You never have intense blood pressure coupled with headaches. You know that test aromatizes into estrogen and you know that's easily taken care of with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Superdrol doesn't appear to have any estrogen or progestin activity but with that said, guys have gotten gyno from it.

Do yourself a huge favor, go with injections. Learn about how to inject in the thigh (it's the easiest to see and reach, you can do it sitting down and at your own pace). It doesn't hurt at all. You can inject with a 1" 25ga pin and all you feel is the little "poke" as it passes through your skin. 2 weeks later, you feel like a million bucks, you're growing and your lifts are starting to steadily climb.

Trust us.
Run, as fast as you can! Run away

Hey fognozzle... i thought you liked the results? Your thread was actually was one of the ones that made consider Beastdrol even more.

I read your thread from beginning to end, i am aware with what happened to your shoulder, the new job, the shitty lethargy... yet at the end you said, and i quote "The Beast is NO JOKE! I am glad it's over but glad I did it."

any updates so i can run away as fast as i can?
Honestly speaking you'd make much more gains over just Test E alone....

Not telling you to do anything, nor suggesting against what you already have in mind but facts are facts...

Either way first cycle of anything you can expirence fair gains on your cycle put together there, for optimum gains as long as you do not fear pinning you can gain even more.

Best of luck either way.

thank you Necrosis... it looks like i am going to have to man up and go with Test E as my 1st cycle.

As stupid as it may sound,I psychologically was stirring away from doing gear because
it involves injecting needles, and was convincing myself that some PHs are still legal... Yet with more research, it seems that some PHs should have been banned way before Test... the health issues are not even comparable.
good choice mate! i've done about 5 ph cycles in the past and right now i am doing my first test-e cycle...test is so much better..no sides and not mention the orals take a toll on the body to a greater degree. i my self am afraid of needles..but i pin myself now...you get used to it..slowly!
good choice mate! i've done about 5 ph cycles in the past and right now i am doing my first test-e cycle...test is so much better..no sides and not mention the orals take a toll on the body to a greater degree. i my self am afraid of needles..but i pin myself now...you get used to it..slowly!

Now i have some reading and learning to do... i am going watch all the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) videos on youtube and reasearch more.

Also need to do my homework on where to get the goodies... So bye bye Ph's and Hello Test... i feel better already
Now i have some reading and learning to do... i am going watch all the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) videos on youtube and reasearch more.

Also need to do my homework on where to get the goodies... So bye bye Ph's and Hello Test... i feel better already

TRT is a lifelong treatment of Test deficiency, sometimes caused by using steroids. Its not a cycle lol.

TRT is the result of a botched cycle :Pokeowned
TRT is a lifelong treatment of Test deficiency, sometimes caused by using steroids. Its not a cycle lol.

TRT is the result of a botched cycle :Pokeowned

i am aware of that arleady.lol

I meant as far as seeing how Test is being injected, i can read on it all day long yet if don't see it, it would be useless to me... therefore, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on youtube would be very informative. unless you know of another other source of videos to throw my way, that would be helpful.