1st cycle plans/goals/stats


New member
Hey whats up everyone? let me first start off by thanking this site for providing me with excellent info. Been researching for a while the whole subject and finally think i have a good idea of what i want to do. First off let me get my stats out of the way.

23 yo male, 5"7, 165 pounds, 12% bf, natural total t = 355, general bloods all healthy, healthy bp, been lifting since I was 15

As of now, never taken any gear of any type, though i have taken protein/creatine supplements.However, Currently I am not taking any supplements. I do take effexor xr 150mg everyday, but that is the only medication i take.

Here's a breakdown of my plan:

(week 1-12) 500 mg test-e/week
(week 1-4) 20 mg dbol ed
(week 13) off
(week 14-18) clomid 50 mg ed

* will have nolva on hand in case of gyno. Also will be adding creatine and protein supplements to my diet. Gonna go with 22-23 gauge, with 1 inch needles (im kinda small).

My goals are quite simple, but may be hard to acheive. looking to pack on as much quality mass as possible, hopefuly get to 180-185 with 10% bf or less.

Anyways, def looking for input from vets on here as well as anyone else of course. What do you think of the plan? Anything you might change? lower/increase dosage? wait longer? Don't mind criticism here, be honest!

* also got a couple basic pics here just to show you what im workin with naturally (no gear, creatine, protein supplements) Keep in mind my natural t levels are quite low for my age as well

dont mind pm's either... thanks!
Straight set up... Its one I've seen on this site a lot too for a first cycle. I'll be doing the same soon minus the dbol. Only begs to be said is its good to just do test so you know what it will do to you, and 23 is young... Natural test is something you will want to keep trying to use only.
Drop the dbol brother. You will love the gains you get off test alone for your 1st cycle and then you will know what sides you get from it. Get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and blast it at 500iu a day starting the day after your last injection of test until 4 days before you start clomid/nolva. Would recommend getting aromasin incase of gyno or bloat as well. IF gyno occurs start it at 12.5mg
Thanks for feedback, yea i know im young, but I have been lifting for 8 years now, and my natural total test is only 355. So not as lucky as some, but you gotta work with what you got. Anyways, I know what your saying about the dbol, but i was under the assumption that test-e was a very slow acting compound and dbol is good for "jumpstarting" the cycle. Is it really just not worth it?

As for the bloating and possible gyno, i was gonna just use nolvadex if problems came up, but i've heard that nolva is more for stopping it from getting worse, while aromasin is good at preventing the start up of bloating and gyno. So seems like it would be in my best interest to run arimodex or aromasin at .25 or .5 every other day?

Also there are seemingly endless threads on the nolva vs clomid for pct debate. I chose clomid based on everything i read ( which was alot). As for hcg, I read alot of scary stuff abot Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if taken at wrong time and how it can shut you down for life and whatnot. Figured i would keep it simple and skip the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for first cycle and stick with clomid only for pct with a smaller beginner cycle. Would that be a big mistake? What do you think guys?
The reason why you could do Test only is to know how you react to this steroid and you'll know how your body reacts to it in terms of side effects etc. If you stack multiple steroids and you get some sides, you wouldn't know where it came from. I'd pick t-bol over d-bol as a kicker but again that's personal choice. As for taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle, somewhat of a debate itself. I'd say keep it in your pocket incase gyno comes up, running it the entire cycle might hinder your gains.

Haven't seen the HCG-shutdown-for-life posts yet, i doubt they're true.
He's right with the use of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle cause even if you don't get gyno you are still prepared, I'll be using aromisin incase gyno. I didn't think about using a hcg, but with pct five weeks of clomid sounds the easiest way to go
Will using aromasin @ .25 or .5 eod really hinder gains? And if it does, is it still good to take as a preventitive measure for gyno. My original plan was just to keep nolva on hand to help stop any gyno if it does happen.

Looking for more opinions on this if possible. With the cycle i posted, my stats, first timer etc, should i go with aromisin or no aromisin during cycle? what do ya think?
Doesn't hinder gains. Ppl say that bc they bloat without it and mistake it for quality mass. Run the aromasin dude.
tweaked it up a little

Ok, info i've gotten from people has been great. here's my plan so far, subject to change upon hearing some of your opinions:

week (1-12) 500mg test-e/week
week (1-4) 20mg dbol/week
week (1-4) 1 mg armidex ed
week (5-12) .25 mg arimidex ed
week (13) --------off------------
start pct
week (14-18) .25 mg arimidex ed
pct as follows during week 14-18:
clomid 150/100/50/25/25 ed

* nolva on hand in case of developing gyno even with the arimidex

compounds used: test-e/dbol/clomid/arimidex

What do you think?
Damn THATS what 12% looks like?? Nice fkn 12%bf ABS!! I'm the same size only around 30lbs heavier and a little leaner. Started out at your age about 7years ago with juice and yeah, 6cycles later I'm barely larger than you.. My natural test was right where yours is too but I just got tested a month ago just before starting cycle/year#7 and it came back with 610-test! So it may just be a late bloomer or particular instance where limited exogenous test cycling can increase your natural homeostasis balance of testosterone when naturally it occurs low..

Cycle looks good, personally I'd not do the Dbol, but some guys have the diet down to stay cut on the shit, I don't. I believe if you want more you just have to be patient and increase the test doses after a few cycles. Arimidex SUX, but to each their own. I'd only use Aromasin or Letrozol in bad cases but I've got half a dozen rodeos under my belt. Next time, consider adding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) too.

It's in the later weeks of the cycle you need to increase your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), not the earlier. That doesn't even make logical sense.. And NO AI's during PCT
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yea im hoping maybe this cycle will jump start my own natural testosterone after its all said and done, but if it doesnt, oh well.

arimidex vs. aromasin seems like another strong debate almost as bad as nolva vs clomid. I want to go with arimidex because was told it is a weaker anti-e and with just 500mg test and 20mg dbol i dont think i'll need as much. Figure i'll just keep nolva on hand in case its not enough and something develops. Any other reason you guys prefer aromasin over arimidex?
Aromasin is just a better all around anti estrogen. Proviron has amazing qualities too. Arimidex is too weak IMO but for your first go round it probably is sufficient. Considering most people dont use ai's til its too late and theres problems. Just suggesting to tip the scales in favor of success

im still debating on whether or not to use hcg. I know it can help kickstart the recovery for your nads, but with a level like 500mg test-e and 20mg dbol first 4 weeks, is it absolutely neccessary? Should i count on my nuts being raisins at the end? or am i likely to be ok with that lower amount? From what i've read your body still has to re-enter a withdrawal phase after your last dose of hcg anyways. I'm just not to enthusiastic about adding another compound into my first cycle. Though if it is dangerous without it, I am more opt to do so certainly. opinions?