1st cycle question on emotions


New member
Been reading on here a while and finally signed up to get involved.

My stats are

i am 32
been lifting since i was 16
i am 193 and pretty lean
very strict diet and extremely dedicated to the lifestyle.

decided to go with a test only cycle for the first time around to see how my body reacts.

500 mg a week of test E
aromasin 12.5 a day
thinking of adding HCG possibly once I get more info on it.

pct will be the usual 50 mg clomid a day and 40/40/20/20 of nolvadex 2 weeks after last injection.

my question is

The past few years no matter what I do I cant get any bigger. i hit the natural wall so i want to go on my first cycle.

i am currently on 100 mg of zoloft a day for anxiety.

I am thinking I might go off (the correct way with doctors help) of it before i start my cycle.

So I was wondering if anyone else uses ssris with gear and does it interfere? just in case i decide not to go off of it or need to go back on during cycle.

Also what are the realistic feelings while on cycle and pct?

will i feel more anxious on cycle or depressed or anything like that?

one of my friends said he was on an emotional rollercoster while on cycle of 750 mg of test e a week. not sure if he was just BSing or not.

Also if a PCT is done correctly do you get any mental problems? like depression or anxiety or anything out of the ordinary?

thanks for all the help guys.
welcome to ology

a basic moderate test cycle shouldnt blow your emotions up much if any . SOME people get a little down during pct or right afterward while their natural test recovers.
how long does natural test usually take to recover if pct is done correctly? i am going to get blood tests a week or 2 before i start (female panel) 8 weeks into it and then after my pct has ended.

I want to do this a correctly as possible and monitor everything to make sure nothing is wrong
how long does natural test usually take to recover if post cycle therapy (pct) is done correctly? i am going to get blood tests a week or 2 before i start (female panel) 8 weeks into it and then after my post cycle therapy (pct) has ended.

I want to do this a correctly as possible and monitor everything to make sure nothing is wrong

it depends on the individual but by running hcg during cycle and proper post cycle therapy (pct) you speed the process a LOT.
your overthinking this stuff and worrying to much.
welcome to Ology!!

good setup for your first cycle my friend,i use ssri's myself and it really doesnt bother me much,and sometimes i actually feel better while im on cycle than when im not,i agree with DAWG with your planned cycle it shouldnt mess with your emotions
The only emotional effects I ever get is very increased aggression.. and what seems to be irritability. Really dumb things that would normally never even pass your thought seem to agitate me. Just channel it towards the gym. During PCT the emotional stress of having your strength come down some can affect some people, but once you've done it and know what to expect it's nothing really. I usually feel my nuts come back around week 3 of PCT after every cycle. It's almost like clockwork now to me. I always have only used Clomid for a PCT and I usually run longer cycles so on my firs week of PCT I always do 100mg clomid. I run it 100/75/50/50 which some people might say is too much but I've found what works for my body. Run Test E 500mgs a wk for 12 weeks, I'd do the aromasin eod and i wouldn't think you'd need hcg unless you're really worried about your nuts. Welcome to the darkside bro.
cool.. maybe I will stay on my zoloft then if you dont feel anything wrong.

i wasnt worrying before i spoke with a friend who told me he was up and down constantly while on cycle. he said whatever emotional problems you have are multiplied while on. so i figured with anxiety/ocd i would have issues. but you guys are helping ease my mind.

so would hcg 2 times a week at 250 be good all the way through cycle? and maybe blast at the end? does hcg make estro higher?
Was your buddy shooting the Test E 2x a week? You can shoot it once a week but blood levels will be more stable at 2x wk. He could have had unstable blood levels. He could have had high estro effects, I mean there are a number of things that could have caused his emotions. Everyone reacts differently to it. That's why you should always do a test only cycle first to gauge the body's reaction to it. That's why it chaps my ass when I see ppl coming in with Tren in their first cycles.
yeah he was doing it twice a week. Tren in my opinion is super advanced. i dont think i would ever do more then test. is arimidix better then aromasin? i hear diff things
yeah he was doing it twice a week. Tren in my opinion is super advanced. i dont think i would ever do more then test. is arimidix better then aromasin? i hear diff things

first...good luck with that. Kind of goes with only 1 potato chip or 1 tattoo or one girl...

2nd...i usually pin 2x per week, but when i have gotten behind due to busy work schedule i realize it does screw with me a bit emotionally to only have pinned 1 time. Towards end of 7 days i realize i am moodier than when on regular schedule.

welcome to Ology!!

good setup for your first cycle my friend,i use ssri's myself and it really doesnt bother me much,and sometimes i actually feel better while im on cycle than when im not,i agree with DAWG with your planned cycle it shouldnt mess with your emotions

What is your ssri dose like?
Welcome to Ology

IMO its all mental, all in your head. If you feel down, just occupy yourself and you won't think about it. If you feel angry, just think about it and you'll decide it's not that big a deal and conflict MAY cause more problems ( sometimes it solves them lol).

Just act like you always do, this isn't an acid trip here! It's not gonna make you crazy. This whole suicide and roid rage thing is largely media hype. These people had problems to begin with... and what better way to make society pay than to get bigger then them all and beat em up.
i never really get depressed(without a reason) but i sometimes get angry really easy... but its nothing that you wont be able to handle