1st Cycle: Sust+Bolde+Dbol >>

damn way too much Try Some weight Gainer and High Calorie HIgh Protein Diet Thats Will do the Trick , then when YOu will be stuck when Nutrition and training will fail to make ur Bigger COnsider ON takin Steroid
bowbow said:
I think you've researched what you want to do very well. At the age of 32 if you want to do it then just do it. And I don't think it is to much either, It's short and your doses are low in my opinion. Just remember to increase your diet some like the others have said. Looks good to me.

first off the cycle sucks, neither drugs are run long enought to be effective, he picked two drugs that take a long time to work, both should be taken for a minumum of 10 weeks. Sust, shot once a week is not effective, and how the fuck do you grow when you dont fucking eat to begin with, how the fuck did he research properly, where do you get that from, becuase he knows the name of the drugs.

I am not going to tell you not to run gear, but lets go over your diet and training first, we have some very knowledgeable people here that can help you with both.
had the same problem 2 years ago with weight dude.. Just eat man... and dont over work out.. Im young and on a cycle a small one but a cycle and by watching these guy's diets i gained 15lbs in 3 weeks. and my test just kicked in. Try some of their diets with the chicken and remember you need to be able to afford the food!! dude! lol roids are fucking expensive!. go to safeway or something and get the bags of chicken. Get about 3 bags for the week maybe 4. Maybe more. EAT tones of chicken a day, tones of pasta at night. Eggs are good! at 140 holy shit.. eat like 3 shakes a day but after you eat your meal. Im a rookie though so you may want to listen to these guys. Because they may even tell me what im wrong ;)
if you're going ot hit the juice, no matter what we tell you, then just do sustanon 500mg per week, with post cycle therapy (pct) nolva or clomid at the end. I've heard of people that just cant get a lot of mass cause of hi metabolism. But do not use steroids out of desperation, that is the worse thing you can do.