1st Cycle - Test E + Anavar


Gettin' there
So I've begun my 1st cycle. Test E + Anavar.

Weeks 1-10 : Test E 400 mg/week
Weeks 1-4 : Var 40,50,60,60 mg/week
Weeks 8-12: Var 40,50,60,60,60 mg/week
Weeks 13-16 : Nolva 40,40,30,20
Weeks 1-16 : Arimidex .5 mg/EOD - adjusted as needed

Rogaine, Spironolactone, Nizoral 2% and Finasteride for hair protection. Am thinning pretty good already, hence the Anavar and not a stronger compound.

BG info :

~20 % BF (yes, high - see below)
24 yo
Lifting for 12 years
1st Cycle

Recent PR's:

Bench - 295x8 (Awful, yes. Rehabbing my shoulder has sucked).
Barbell Rows - 385x8
Hack Squats - 495x8
Hang Cleans - 275x3
Barbell Curls - 145x7

Goals : Increase my strength through the roof, while keeping fat gain to a minimum. Also working on quickness, speed and agility for upcoming football season.

Did my first pin today, quad. Went fine, it's just sore like a bastard now (12 hours later). Will keep the heating pad on longer next time, or take a hot shower before.

I will update this log frequently, w/ anything I feel particularly relevant. I will of course welcome any comments or feedback from other members. Yes, my BF is a bit high. I play O-Line in a legit semi-pro league. I will continue to eat clean and keep my cardio high, I just can't (nor do I have the desire to) get real lean. Once I'm done w/ ball, absolutely. But for the time being, I am staying a big dude. Later!!!
Awesome bro! I Start mine next week! we stay in touch! what size of needles are you using for your quad, 25g, 1 inch?
yeah cool, I guess its normal since its your first time, all my friends on roids have all been sored at their first cycle.

As for the needles, yeah 23 g , 1 ½ inches is good for you cause you got quite a lot of fat, for my part 1 inch if more than enough.
Hey Hell, wow your stats and cycle are so close to mine its scary!!!!!!! ill be keeping a close eye on your progress. I'm currently into week 3 of a 8 week Test E 400mg PW cycle with last 4 weeks on Var 50mg ED ( was suppose to be a 10 week cycle but unforseen circumstances changed that )

Good luck man!
bout fucking time hellawaits!

good luck bro although i am not sure ill be "copying" your cycle like i thought i was going to i am still gonna watch this one
ill be following this 1.5 inch for quads is pretty big but shouldnt be an issue if your bf% is in the 20's like you state
just so you know Anavar is a DHT derivative, which is what you are trying to reduce by taking finasteride.
badmofo get you informations right!

I read on about 10 forums and spoke with 2 pros and 3 trainers at my gym! And yes Anavar is a DHT derivative and yes the purpose of taking finasteride is to lower the DHT from the Test. however Var is not potent on the follicule because it has already been transform into DHT. What is dangerous for hair is a steroids from Testosterone derivated like Test, Tren, Anadrol, anything with test or test derivated in it. When it changes into DHT IN YOUR SYSTEM , than its harsh on your hair follicule. But when it has already been transformed in DHT it doesnt affect you hairs follicule.

Test, Tren, Drol, winstrol are the most harsh on hair by far. Thats why the best bet is to take Finasteride so that you can do a Test cycle.
2nd pin yesterday. Bled like a bastard but no issues.

The placebo effect has led to some good workouts. Broke a few PR's today. Barbell Curls 145x10 and Close Grip Bench 295x8. Have almost kicked this chest cold I've had for over a week. Hopefully by Monday I'll be 100% so I can do more cardio. I like to do 25-30 min after weights, but haven't been able to fuckin breath so I've been doing only 15-20.

I've actually gained 3 lbs since last week. I'm sure the cardio will take care of that.
I hear ya about the placebo effect, i felt that way in the middle of week 2 and thought i was lifting more than i normally would, lol. I can't wait for it to really kick in!

Keep it up man. I also do 30 min of cardio after wieghts and also run 3 times PW as i'm carrying a high BF as well.

Will be keeping a close eye on your progress man, let us know how the var works for you.
Week 1 Synopsis

Begin week 2 on Monday. Bumping up to 50mg of Anavar. I was considering pinning my delt tommorrow, but my quads have recovered nicely, so I plan on just alternating them. W/ indoor practices beginning, I gotta wear a sleveless tee, cause the building is like fuckin 200 degrees, so a bruise (albeit small - I've had them w/ both pins) on the delt will be suspicious to coaches and teammates. Of course, I will vary the site on the quad slightly, to avoid any scar tissue build up. Training chest, shoulders, and light tri's tommorrow. My training partner has been gettin' a little arrogant, so I gotta at least double his reps in bench and whatever incline movement we do 2nd.

Have noticed no sides as of yet. MAYBE a little bit edgier. Or I might just be being my normal self. I have a short fuse, and a bit of a temper. Especially around my gf. I love her to death, but sometimes I really have to just stop and take a deep breath to make sure I calm myself down. I've been known to yell quite a bit, and always feel bad afterwards. Of course, I have never, nor would I ever, resort to violence. I just get pissed and scream! One of my traits I'm not proud of. No noticeable water retention yet. I've been using my Aromatase inhibitor (AI), drinking a ton of H2O, and doing cardio w/ a sweatshirt on to sweat a bit out. Will monitor this closely as I tend to hold water like bastard. I know most sides won't kick in till week 4 or so for most people, but I figure the sooner I monitor them, the better shape I'll be in.

I look a little bit fuller, especially in the traps and triceps. Vascularity has increased a bit, as I noticed a few veins in my calves and forearms more prominent than usual, and a new vein popped out on my forearm yesterday that I've never seen before. Var must be kicking it. Also got an insane pump in my calves during my jog today. Insane to the point where I didn't like it, as I had to stop to walk twice. Probably related to the var.

Overall, I don't FEEL any different, but I had 4 solid workouts this week, and look a little better. I can;t wait for the Test to kick in full swing!!!! Will of course keep updating the thread several times a week.
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badmofo get you informations right!

I read on about 10 forums and spoke with 2 pros and 3 trainers at my gym! And yes Anavar is a DHT derivative and yes the purpose of taking finasteride is to lower the DHT from the Test. however Var is not potent on the follicule because it has already been transform into DHT. What is dangerous for hair is a steroids from Testosterone derivated like Test, Tren, Anadrol, anything with test or test derivated in it. When it changes into DHT IN YOUR SYSTEM , than its harsh on your hair follicule. But when it has already been transformed in DHT it doesnt affect you hairs follicule.

Test, Tren, Drol, winstrol are the most harsh on hair by far. Thats why the best bet is to take Finasteride so that you can do a Test cycle.

SCARZ used to make the same argument and said he used anavar and finasteride at the same time with success. I however am skeptical that this is the case for many users and only mentioned as a precaution that this user may have not considered or realized. Regardless, we still differ on opinion,
Hows things going Hell? How is the var working for ya?

Solid so far. Three solid workouts this week so far. 315x7 on bench Monday (still sucks, yes - shoulder is getting there), and had a great shoulder workout after chest. Hit 495x10 for 2 sets on Hack Squats today. May or may not seem impressive, as hack machines differ, but it's probably the top at my gym. Broke PR's on Leg Extensions as well today.

Var is working good, I'm up to 50mg/day. Next week I expect it to kick in fully.

Had my 3rd pin yesterday. Went so good it was weird. NO soreness at all today. Must be getting the hang of it.
Had my 3rd pin yesterday. Went so good it was weird. NO soreness at all today. Must be getting the hang of it.

good stuff. it seems as if thats the case generally speaking. once you get the first few out of the way its a breeze. i did my 4th pin today and it was painless. no bruise, nothing. my right quad leaves a little bruising but thats no biggie.